buildPublicClusterNetworkByRepresentative {NAIR}R Documentation

Build Global Network of Public TCR/BCR Clusters Using Representative Clones


Alternative step in the workflow Searching for Public TCR/BCR Clusters. Intended for use following findPublicClusters() in cases where buildPublicClusterNetwork() cannot be practically used due to the size of the full global network.

Given cluster-level metadata for each sample's filtered clusters, selects a representative TCR/BCR from each cluster, combines the representatives into a global network and performs network analysis and cluster analysis.



  ## Input ##
  input_type = "rds",
  data_symbols = "cdat",
  header, sep, read.args,
  seq_col = "seq_w_max_count",
  count_col = "agg_count",

  ## Network Settings ##
  dist_type = "hamming",
  dist_cutoff = 1,
  cluster_fun = "fast_greedy",

  ## Visualization ##
  plots = TRUE,
  print_plots = FALSE,
  plot_title = "auto",
  plot_subtitle = "auto",
  color_nodes_by = "SampleID",
  color_scheme = "turbo",

  ## Output ##
  output_dir = NULL,
  output_type = "rds",
  output_name = "PubClustByRepresentative",
  pdf_width = 12,
  pdf_height = 10,
  verbose = FALSE




A vector of file paths where each file contains the cluster-level metadata for one sample's filtered clusters. Passed to loadDataFromFileList().


A character string specifying the file format of the input files. Options are "csv", "rds" and "rda". Passed to loadDataFromFileList().


Used when input_type = "rda". Specifies the name of the data frame within each Rdata file. Passed to loadDataFromFileList().


For values of input_type other than "rds" and "rda", this argument can be used to specify a non-default value of the header argument to read.table(), read.csv(), etc.


For values of input_type other than "rds" and "rda", this argument can be used to specify a non-default value of the sep argument to read.table(), read.csv(), etc.


For values of input_type other than "rds" and "rda", this argument can be used to specify non-default values of optional arguments to read.table(), read.csv(), etc. Accepts a named list of argument values. Values of header and sep in this list take precedence over values specified via the header and sep arguments.


Specifies the column in the cluster-level metadata that contains the representative TCR/BCR sequence for each cluster. Accepts a character string containing the column name or a numeric scalar containing the column index. By default, uses the sequence with the maximum clone count in each cluster.


Specifies the column in the cluster-level metadata that contains the aggregate clone count for each cluster. Accepts a character string containing the column name or a numeric scalar containing the column index.


Passed to buildRepSeqNetwork() when constructing the global network.


Passed to buildRepSeqNetwork() when constructing the global network.


Passed to buildRepSeqNetwork() when performing cluster analysis on the global network.


Logical. Should plots of the global network graph be produced?


Logical. If plots of the global network graph are produced, should they be printed to the R plotting window?


Passed to addPlots() when producing plots of the global network graph.


Passed to addPlots() when producing plots of the global network graph.


Passed to addPlots() when producing plots of the global network graph. Valid options include the default "SampleID", as well as node-level properties (see addNodeNetworkStats) and sample-level cluster properties (see getClusterStats), which correspond to the representative TCRs/BCRs and the original sample-level clusters they represent, respectively.


Passed to addPlots() when producing plots of the global network graph.


Other arguments to addPlots() when producing plots of the global network graph.


Passed to saveNetwork() after constructing the global network.


Passed to saveNetwork() after constructing the global network.


Passed to saveNetwork() after constructing the global network.


Passed to saveNetwork() after constructing the global network. Only applicable if plots = TRUE.


Passed to saveNetwork() after constructing the global network. Only applicable if plots = TRUE.


Logical. If TRUE, generates messages about the tasks performed and their progress, as well as relevant properties of intermediate outputs. Messages are sent to stderr().


From each filtered cluster in each sample's network, a representative TCR/BCR is selected. By default, this is the sequence with the greatest clone count in each cluster. The representatives from all clusters and all samples are then used to construct a single global network. Cluster analysis is used to partition this global network into clusters. Network properties for the nodes and clusters are computed and returned as metadata. A plot of the global network graph is produced, with the nodes colored according to sample ID.

Within this network, clusters containing nodes from multiple samples can be considered as the skeletons of the complete public clusters. The filtered cluster data for each sample can then be subset to keep the sample-level clusters whose representative TCR/BCRs belong to the skeletons of the public clusters. After subsetting in this manner, buildPublicClusterNetwork() can be used to construct the global network of complete public clusters.

See the Searching for Public TCR/BCR Clusters article on the package website.


If the input data contains a combined total of fewer than two rows, or if the global network contains no nodes, then the function returns NULL, invisibly, with a warning. Otherwise, invisibly returns a list of network objects as returned by buildRepSeqNetwork(). The global cluster membership variable in the data frame node_data is named ClusterIDPublic.

The data frame cluster_data includes the following variables that represent properties of the clusters in the global network of representative TCR/BCRs:


The global cluster ID number.


The number of global network nodes in the global cluster.


For each representative TCR/BCR in the global cluster, we record the number of nodes in the sample-level cluster for which it is the representative TCR/BCR. We then sum these node counts across all the representative TCR/BCRs in the global cluster.


For each representative TCR/BCR in the global cluster, we record the aggregate clone count from all nodes in the sample-level cluster for which it is the representative TCR/BCR. We then sum these aggregate clone counts across all the representative TCR/BCRs in the global cluster.


For each representative TCR/BCR in the global cluster, we record the mean sequence length over all clones (nodes) in the sample-level cluster for which it is the representative TCR/BCR. We then average these mean sequence lengths over all the representative TCR/BCRs in the global cluster.


For each representative TCR/BCR in the global cluster, we record the mean network degree over all nodes in the sample-level cluster for which it is the representative TCR/BCR. We then average these mean degree values over all the representative TCR/BCRs in the global cluster.


For each representative TCR/BCR in the global cluster, we record the maximum network degree across all nodes in the sample-level cluster for which it is the representative TCR/BCR. We then take the maximum of these maximum degree values over all the representative TCR/BCRs in the global cluster.


For each representative TCR/BCR in the global cluster, we record the maximum network degree across all nodes in the sample-level cluster for which it is the representative TCR/BCR. We then identify the representative TCR/BCR with the maximum value of these maximum degrees over all the representative TCR/BCRs in the global cluster. The TCR/BCR sequence of the identified representative TCR/BCR is recorded in this variable.


For each representative TCR/BCR in the global cluster, we record the maximum clone count across all clones (nodes) in the sample-level cluster for which it is the representative TCR/BCR. We then take the maximum of these maximum clone counts over all the representative TCR/BCRs in the global cluster.


For each representative TCR/BCR in the global cluster, we record the maximum clone count across all clones (nodes) in the sample-level cluster for which it is the representative TCR/BCR. We then identify the representative TCR/BCR with the maximum value of these maximum clone counts over all the representative TCR/BCRs in the global cluster. The sample to which the identified representative TCR/BCR belongs is recorded in this variable.


For each representative TCR/BCR in the global cluster, we record the maximum clone count across all clones (nodes) in the sample-level cluster for which it is the representative TCR/BCR. We then identify the representative TCR/BCR with the maximum value of these maximum clone counts over all the representative TCR/BCRs in the global cluster. The TCR/BCR sequence of the identified representative TCR/BCR is recorded in this variable.


For each representative TCR/BCR in the global cluster, we record the aggregate clone count across all clones (nodes) in the sample-level cluster for which it is the representative TCR/BCR. We then take the maximum of these aggregate clone counts over all the representative TCR/BCRs in the global cluster.


For each representative TCR/BCR in the global cluster, we record the aggregate clone count across all clones (nodes) in the sample-level cluster for which it is the representative TCR/BCR. We then identify the representative TCR/BCR with the maximum value of these aggregate clone counts over all the representative TCR/BCRs in the global cluster. The sample to which the identified representative TCR/BCR belongs is recorded in this variable.


For each representative TCR/BCR in the global cluster, we record the aggregate clone count across all clones (nodes) in the sample-level cluster for which it is the representative TCR/BCR. We then identify the representative TCR/BCR with the maximum value of these aggregate clone counts over all the representative TCR/BCRs in the global cluster. The TCR/BCR sequence of the identified representative TCR/BCR is recorded in this variable.


See getClusterStats. Based on edge connections between representative TCR/BCRs in the global cluster.


See getClusterStats. Based on edge connections between representative TCR/BCRs in the global cluster.


See getClusterStats. Based on edge connections between representative TCR/BCRs in the global cluster.


See getClusterStats. Based on edge connections between representative TCR/BCRs in the global cluster.


See getClusterStats. Based on edge connections between representative TCR/BCRs in the global cluster.


See getClusterStats. Based on edge connections between representative TCR/BCRs in the global cluster.


See getClusterStats. Based on edge connections between representative TCR/BCRs in the global cluster.


See getClusterStats. Based on edge connections between representative TCR/BCRs in the global cluster.


Brian Neal (


Hai Yang, Jason Cham, Brian Neal, Zenghua Fan, Tao He and Li Zhang. (2023). NAIR: Network Analysis of Immune Repertoire. Frontiers in Immunology, vol. 14. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1181825

Webpage for the NAIR package

Searching for Public TCR/BCR Clusters article on package website

See Also

findPublicClusters() buildPublicClusterNetwork()



## Simulate 30 samples with a mix of public/private sequences ##
samples <- 30
sample_size <- 30 # (seqs per sample)
base_seqs <- c(
# Relative generation probabilities
pgen <- cbind(
  stats::toeplitz(0.6^(0:(sample_size - 1))),
  matrix(1, nrow = samples, ncol = length(base_seqs) - samples)
  samples = samples,
  sample_size = sample_size,
  prefix_length = 1,
  prefix_chars = c("", ""),
  prefix_probs = cbind(rep(1, samples), rep(0, samples)),
  affixes = base_seqs,
  affix_probs = pgen,
  num_edits = 0,
  output_dir = tempdir(),
  no_return = TRUE

## 1. Find Public Clusters in Each Sample
sample_files <-
            paste0("Sample", 1:samples, ".rds")
  file_list = sample_files,
  input_type = "rds",
  seq_col = "CloneSeq",
  count_col = "CloneCount",
  min_seq_length = NULL,
  drop_matches = NULL,
  top_n_clusters = 3,
  min_node_count = 5,
  min_clone_count = 15000,
  output_dir = tempdir()

## 2. Build Public Cluster Network by Representative TCR/BCRs
  file_list =
      file.path(tempdir(), "cluster_meta_data"),
      full.names = TRUE
  size_nodes_by = 1,
  print_plots = TRUE

[Package NAIR version 1.0.4 Index]