CAclustering {NAC}R Documentation

Covariate Assisted Spectral Clustering.


CAclustering clusters graph nodes by applying spectral clustering with the assistance from node covariates.


CAclustering(Adj, Covariate, K, alphan = 5, itermax = 100, startn = 10)



An n×nn \times n symmetric adjacency matrix with diagonals being 00 and positive entries being 11.


An n×pn \times p covariate matrix. The rows correspond to nodes and the columns correspond to covariates.


A positive integer which is no larger than nn. This is the predefined number of communities.


The number of candidate α\alpha's to try within the range (αmin,αmax)(\alpha_{min}, \alpha_{max}) given in Binkiewicz et al. (2017). An optimal α\alpha is expected to achieve a balance between LτL_{\tau} and XX.


k-means parameter, indicating the maximum number of iterations allowed. The default value is 100.


k-means parameter. The number of times the algorithm should be run with different initial centroids. The default value is 10.


CAclustering is an algorithm designed for community detection in networks with node covariates, as introduced in the paper Covariate-assisted spectral clustering of Binkiewicz et al. (2017). CAclustering applies k-means on the first KK leading eigenvectors of Lτ+αXXL_{\tau}+\alpha XX^{\prime}, where LτL_{\tau} is the regularized graph Laplacian, XX is the covariates matrix, and α\alpha is a tuning parameter.



A factor indicating nodes' labels. Items sharing the same label are in the same community.


Binkiewicz, N., Vogelstein, J. T., & Rohe, K. (2017). Covariate-assisted spectral clustering. Biometrika, 104(2), 361-377.


# Simulate the Network
n = 10; K = 2; p =5; prob1 = 0.9;
theta = 0.4 + (0.45-0.05)*(seq(1:n)/n)^2; Theta = diag(theta);
P  = matrix(c(0.8, 0.2, 0.2, 0.8), byrow = TRUE, nrow = K)
l = sample(1:K, n, replace=TRUE); # node labels
Pi = matrix(0, n, K) # label matrix
for (k in 1:K){
  Pi[l == k, k] = 1
Omega = Theta %*% Pi %*% P %*% t(Pi) %*% Theta;
Adj = matrix(runif(n*n, 0, 1), nrow = n);
Adj = Omega - Adj;
Adj = 1*(Adj >= 0)
diag(Adj) = 0
Adj[lower.tri(Adj)] = t(Adj)[lower.tri(Adj)]
Q = 0.1*matrix(sign(runif(p*K) - 0.5), nrow = p);
for(i in 1:K){
  Q[(i-1)*(p/K)+(1:(p/K)), i] = 0.3; #remark. has a change here
W = matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = K);
for(jj in 1:n) {
  pp = rep(1/(K-1), K); pp[l[jj]] = 0;
  if(runif(1) <= prob1) {W[jj, 1:K] = Pi[jj, ];}
  W[jj, sample(K, 1, prob = pp)] = 1;
W = t(W)
D0 = Q %*% W
D = matrix(0, n, p)
for (i in 1:n){
  D[i,] = rnorm(p, mean = D0[,i], sd = 1);
CAclustering(Adj, D, 2)

[Package NAC version 0.1.0 Index]