A Package to Test for Multi-Trait Association

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Documentation for package ‘MultiPhen’ version 2.0.3

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MultiPhen-package MultiPhen, a package for the genetic association testing of multiple phenotypes
mPhen A function for the genetic association testing of multiple phenotypes
mPhen.assoc A function for the genetic association testing of multiple phenotypes
mPhen.cca Sparse canonical correlation analysis
mPhen.defineOptions Defines and modifies options.
mPhen.options Retrieves default mPhen options, and descriptions.
mPhen.plotCorrelation Plots correlation between phenotype values conditional on genotype
mPhen.preparePheno Prepare phenotype data for analysis
mPhen.readGenotypes Open, and read from a read connection to a genotype file
mPhen.readPhenoFiles Read and merge phenotype files
mPhen.sampleCovar Generates a covariance matrix.
mPhen.sampleGeno Sample genotypes
mPhen.simulate Simulates phenotypes according to a correlation structure.
mPhen.writeOutput Prepares output files and plots from MultiPhen results
MultiPhen MultiPhen, a package for the genetic association testing of multiple phenotypes
pheno A dummy phenotype dataset that provides an example of the input phenotype data used by the package
read.plink A function to read (small) binary PLINK binary files in a R session
snps A dummy snp dataset that provides an example of the input snp data used by the package
snps.imputed Imputed SNP dataset