MSFRVI {MultiCOAP} | R Documentation |
Fit the multi-study covariate-augmented linear factor model via variational inference
Fit the multi-study covariate-augmented linear factor model via variational inference
q = 15,
qs = rep(2, length(XList)),
rank_use = NULL,
aList = NULL,
epsELBO = 1e-05,
maxIter = 30,
verbose = TRUE,
seed = 1
XList |
A length-M list, where each component represents a matrix and is the observed response matrix from each source/study. Ideally, each matrix should be continuous. |
ZList |
a length-M list with each component a matrix that is the covariate matrix from each study. |
q |
an optional integer, specify the number of study-shared factors; default as 15. |
qs |
a integer vector with length M, specify the number of study-specifed factors; default as 2. |
rank_use |
an optional integer, specify the rank of the regression coefficient matrix; default as NULL, which means that rank is the dimension of covariates in Z. |
aList |
an optional length-M list with each component a vector, the normalization factors of each study; default as full-one vector. |
epsELBO |
an optional positive vlaue, tolerance of relative variation rate of the envidence lower bound value, defualt as '1e-5'. |
maxIter |
the maximum iteration of the VEM algorithm. The default is 30. |
verbose |
a logical value, whether output the information in iteration. |
seed |
an optional integer, specify the random seed for reproducibility in initialization. |
return a list including the following components: (1) F, a list composed by the posterior estimation of study-shared factor matrix for each study; (2) H, a list composed by the posterior estimation of study-specified factor matrix for each study; (3) Sf, a list consisting of the posterior estimation of covariance matrix of study-shared factors for each study; (4) Sh, a list consisting of the posterior estimation of covariance matrix of study-specified factors for each study; (5) A, the loading matrix corresponding to study-shared factors; (6) B, a list composed by the loading matrices corresponding to the study-specified factors; (7) bbeta, the estimated regression coefficient matrix; (8) invLambda, the inverse of the estimated variances of error; (9) ELBO: the ELBO value when algorithm stops; (7) ELBO_seq: the sequence of ELBO values. (11) qrlist, the number of factors and rank of regression coefficient matrix used in fitting; (12) time.use, the elapsed time for model fitting.
See Also
seed <- 1; nvec <- c(100,300); p<- 300;
d <- 3; q<- 3; qs <- rep(2,2)
datlist <- gendata_simu_multi2(seed=seed, nvec=nvec, p=p, d=d, q=3, qs=qs)
XList <- lapply(datlist$Xlist, function(x) log(1+x))
fit_msfavi <- MSFRVI(XList, ZList = datlist$Zlist, q=3, qs=qs, rank_use = d)