MultiATSM-package |
ATSM Package |
Bias_Correc_VAR |
Estimate an unbiased VAR(1) using stochastic approximation (Bauer, Rudebusch and Wu, 2012) |
Bootstrap |
Generates the bootstrap-related outputs |
BR_jps_out |
Replications of the JPS (2014) outputs by Bauer and Rudebusch (2017) |
DatabasePrep |
Prepare the GVARFactors database |
DataForEstimation |
Retrieve data from Excel and build the database used in the model estimation |
FactorsGVAR |
Data: Risk Factors for the GVAR - Candelon and Moura (forthcoming, JFEC) |
ForecastYields |
Gather bond yields forecasts for all the model types |
Functionf |
Set up the vector-valued objective function (Point estimate) |
Estimate a GVAR(1) and a VARX(1,1,1) |
GVARFactors |
Data: Risk Factors for the GVAR - Candelon and Moura (2023) |
InputsForMLEdensity |
Generates several inputs that are necessary to build the likelihood function |
InputsForOutputs |
Collect the inputs that are used to construct the numerical and the graphical outputs |
Set of inputs present at JLL's P-dynamics |
K1XQStationary |
Impose stationarity under the Q-measure |
LabFac |
Generates the labels factors |
ListModelInputs |
Concatenate the model-specific inputs in a list |
Maturities |
Create a vector of numerical maturities in years |
ModelPara |
Replications of the JPS (2014) outputs by the MultiATSM package |
MultiATSM |
ATSM Package |
NumOutputs |
Construct the model numerical outputs (model fit, IRFs, GIRFs, FEVDs, GFEVDs, and risk premia decomposition) |
Optimization |
Peform the minimization of mean(f) |
ParaLabels |
Create the variable labels used in the estimation |
pca_weights_one_country |
Weigth matrix from principal components (matrix of eigenvectors) |
Reg_K1Q |
Estimate the risk-neutral feedbak matrix K1Q using linear regressions |
RiskFactors |
Data: Risk Factors - Candelon and Moura (forthcoming, JFEC) |
RMSEsep |
Compute the root mean square error ("sep Q" models) |
Spanned_Factors |
Compute the country-specific spanned factors |
StarFactors |
Generates the star variables necessary for the GVAR estimation |
TradeFlows |
Data: Trade Flows - Candelon and Moura (forthcoming, JFEC) |
Trade_Flows |
Data: Trade Flows - Candelon and Moura (2023) |
Transition_Matrix |
Compute the transition matrix required in the estimation of the GVAR model |
Estimates a VAR(1) |
Yields |
Data: Yields - Candelon and Moura (forthcoming, JFEC) |