trainLGMM {MplusAutomation} | R Documentation |
Train a variety of latent growth mixture model
This function iterates through a grid of values to train LGMMs, optionally using a local or remote cluster.
newdata = FALSE,
ncores = 1L
data |
A data frame or data table in long format (i.e., multiple rows per ID). |
idvar |
A character string of the variable name in the dataset that is the ID variable. |
assessmentvar |
A character string of the variable name in the dataset that indicates the particular assessment point for each timepoint. |
newdata |
A data frame of new values to use for generating predicted
trajectories by class or |
tuneGrid |
A dataframe or list. It should have names for
the needed arguments for |
cl |
Optional. An existing cluster to be used to estimate models. Can be a local or remote cluster. In either case it needs MplusAUtomation and Mplus available. |
ncores |
If a cluster is not passed to |
## Not run:
## This example is not run by default because even with very limitted number of
## random starts and iterations, it takes quite a few minutes
## Simulate Some Data from 3 classes
allcoef <- rbind(
cbind(1, mvrnorm(n = 200,
mu = c(0, 2, 0),
Sigma = diag(c(.2, .1, .01)),
empirical = TRUE)),
cbind(2, mvrnorm(n = 200,
mu = c(-3.35, 2, 2),
Sigma = diag(c(.2, .1, .1)),
empirical = TRUE)),
cbind(3, mvrnorm(n = 200,
mu = c(3.35, 2, -2),
Sigma = diag(c(.2, .1, .1)),
empirical = TRUE)))
allcoef <-
names(allcoef) <- c("Class", "I", "L", "Q")
allcoef$ID <- 1:nrow(allcoef)
d <-, lapply(1:nrow(allcoef), function(i) {
out <- data.frame(
ID = allcoef$ID[i],
Class = allcoef$Class[i],
Assess = 1:11,
x = sort(runif(n = 11, min = -2, max = 2)))
out$y <- rnorm(11,
mean = allcoef$I[i] + allcoef$L[i] * out$x + allcoef$Q[i] * out$x^2,
sd = .1)
## create splines
time_splines <- ns(d$x, df = 3, Boundary.knots = quantile(d$x, probs = c(.02, .98)))
d$t1 <- time_splines[, 1]
d$t2 <- time_splines[, 2]
d$t3 <- time_splines[, 3]
d$xq <- d$x^2
## create new data to be used for predictions
nd <- data.frame(ID = 1,
x = seq(from = -2, to = 2, by = .1))
nd.splines <- with(attributes(time_splines),
ns(nd$x, df = degree, knots = knots,
Boundary.knots = Boundary.knots))
nd$t1 <- nd.splines[, 1]
nd$t2 <- nd.splines[, 2]
nd$t3 <- nd.splines[, 3]
nd$xq <- nd$x^2
## create a tuning grid of models to try
## all possible combinations are created of different time trends
## different covariance structures of the random effects
## and different number of classes
tuneGrid <- expand.grid(
dv = "y",
timevars = list(c("t1", "t2", "t3"), "x", c("x", "xq")),
starts = "2 1",
cov = c("independent", "zero"),
k = c(1L, 3L),
processors = 1L, run = TRUE,
misstrick = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
tuneGrid$title <- paste0(
c("linear", "quad", "spline")[sapply(tuneGrid$timevars, length)],
sapply(tuneGrid$cov, function(x) if(nchar(x)==4) substr(x, 1, 4) else substr(x, 1, 3)),
tuneGrid$base <- paste0(
c("linear", "quad", "spline")[sapply(tuneGrid$timevars, length)],
sapply(tuneGrid$cov, function(x) if(nchar(x)==4) substr(x, 1, 4) else substr(x, 1, 3)))
## example using long2LGMM to fit one model at a time
mres <- long2LGMM(
data = d,
idvar = "ID",
assessmentvar = "Assess",
dv = tuneGrid$dv[1],
timevars = tuneGrid$timevars[[1]],
misstrick = tuneGrid$misstrick[1],
k = tuneGrid$k[1],
title = paste0(tuneGrid$title[1], tuneGrid$k[1]),
base = tuneGrid$base[1],
run = tuneGrid$run[1],
processors = tuneGrid$processors[1],
starts = tuneGrid$starts[1],
newdata = nd,
cov = tuneGrid$cov[1])
## Example using trainLGMM to fit a whole set of models
## can be distributed across a local or remote cluster
## Defaults to creating a local cluster, but can also pass an
## existing cluster
AllRes <- trainLGMM(
data = d,
idvar = "ID",
assessmentvar = "Assess",
newdata = nd,
tuneGrid = tuneGrid,
ncores = 2L)
tuneGridRes <-
cbind(tuneGrid,, lapply(AllRes, function(x) {
if (is.null(x$Model$results$summaries)) {
} else {
out <- x$Model$results$summaries
## deal with missing summary information for k = 1
if (is.null(out$Entropy)) {
out$Entropy <- 1
if (is.null(out$NCategoricalLatentVars)) {
out$NCategoricalLatentVars <- 0
out[, sort(names(out)), drop = FALSE]
tuneGridRes$Type <- gsub("([a-z]+)_.*$", "\\1", tuneGridRes$title)
tuneGridRes$MinClass <- sapply(AllRes, function(x) {
n <- x$Model$results$class_counts$mostLikely$count
if(is.null(n)) {
} else {
min(n, na.rm = TRUE)
## when trying many models, some may not converge
## subset to omit any missing AICC and look only at those with some
## minimum number of participants per class,
## for demonstration only arbitrarily set at 30
subset(tuneGridRes, ! & MinClass >= 30,
select = c(title, aBIC, AICC, Entropy, MinClass, LL))
## reshape data into long form which can make a very nice plot using ggplot2
tuneGridResL <- reshape(
subset(tuneGridRes, select = c(Type, cov, k, Parameters, aBIC, AICC, AIC, BIC, Entropy)),
varying = c("Parameters", "aBIC", "AICC", "AIC", "BIC", "Entropy"),
v.names = "value",
times = c("Parameters", "aBIC", "AICC", "AIC", "BIC", "Entropy"),
timevar = "variable",
idvar = c("Type", "cov", "k"),
direction = "long")
tuneGridResL$cov <- factor(tuneGridResL$cov, levels = c("zero", "independent"))
## uncomment to run
## library(ggplot2)
## ggplot(tuneGridResL, aes(k, value, colour = Type, shape = Type)) +
## geom_point() +
## facet_grid(variable~cov, scales = "free")
## nice plot of the average trajectories in each class
## these are possible as trainLGMM exports predicted values for the
## new data fed in
## uncomment to run
## ggplot(AllRes[[which(tuneGridRes$title=="quad_ind_3")]]$predictions, aes(x)) +
## geom_line(aes(y = y_1), colour = "black", size = 2) +
## geom_line(aes(y = y_2), colour = "red", size = 2) +
## geom_line(aes(y = y_3), colour = "blue", size = 2)
## End(Not run)