mT.setDimInfo {MortalityTables}R Documentation

Set additional information (year, description, type of risk, sex, etc.) for the mortality table.


A mortalityTable can store additional information to be used e.g. as additional dimensions in ggplot calls. Typically, these information include sex, base population, observation year, type of data (raw, smoothed), country, type of risk, etc. These additional dimensions are stored in the tbl@data list and will be used by plotMortalityTables and similar functions.


mT.setDimInfo(tbl, ..., append = TRUE)



The mortalityTable object to assign dimensional information


The dimensional information as named arguments. All names except tbl and append are allowed.


Whether to append to existing dimensional data (append=TRUE) or completely replace existing information (append=FALSE)


# The annuity tables use the population mortality as starting point. Set either
# population or anuuitants as dimensional info and use that dimension in a ggplot
# Most pre-defined tables already have the most important dimensions (like sex) stored.
at01.m = mT.setDimInfo(mort.AT.census.2001.male, population = "Population")
at01.f = mT.setDimInfo(mort.AT.census.2001.female, population = "Population")
av05r.m = mT.setDimInfo(AVOe2005R.male, population = "Annuitants")
plotMortalityTables(at01.m, at01.f, av05r.m) + aes(linetype = population, color = sex)

[Package MortalityTables version 2.0.5 Index]