as_fnc_df | Convert a data frame to a 'fnc_df' |
calcGrpWprime | Compute optimally weighted adaptive landscapes |
calcPoly | Calculate polynomial fits over a surface |
calcWprimeBy | Compute optimally weighted adaptive landscapes by subgroup |
calc_all_lscps | Calculate adaptive landscapes for a matrix of weights |
calc_lscp | Calculate a single weighted adaptive landscape |
calc_lscp.all_lscps | Calculate a single weighted adaptive landscape |
calc_lscp.kriged_surfaces | Calculate a single weighted adaptive landscape |
div_lscps | Simple Operations on Spatial Data |
fnc_df | Convert a data frame to a 'fnc_df' |
generate_weights | Generate a matrix containing weight combinations |
kriged_surfaces | Interpolate functional characteristics over a grid |
krige_new_data | Interpolate functional characteristics over a grid |
krige_surf | Interpolate functional characteristics over a grid |
lands.grp.test | Significance tests between sets of weights |
multi.lands.grp.test | Significance tests between sets of weights |
multiPoly | Calculate polynomial fits over a surface |
mult_lscps | Simple Operations on Spatial Data |
plot.by_Wprime | Plot Adaptive Landscapes |
plot.grp_Wprime | Plot Adaptive Landscapes |
plot.kriged_surfaces | Plots Kriged surfaces of functional characteristics |
plot.wtd_lscp | Plot Adaptive Landscapes |
print.by_Wprime | Compute optimally weighted adaptive landscapes by subgroup |
print.grp_Wprime | Compute optimally weighted adaptive landscapes |
print.lands.grp.test | Significance tests between sets of weights |
print.multi.lands.grp.test | Significance tests between sets of weights |
print.summary.by_Wprime | Compute optimally weighted adaptive landscapes by subgroup |
resample_grid | Create a full grid from a set of coordinates |
sub_lscps | Simple Operations on Spatial Data |
summary.by_Wprime | Compute optimally weighted adaptive landscapes by subgroup |
sum_lscps | Simple Operations on Spatial Data |
turtles | Turtle Humeri |
warps | Simulated Shape Warps |
wtd_lscp | Calculate a single weighted adaptive landscape |