procSym {Morpho} | R Documentation |
Procrustes registration
performs Procrustes superimposition including sliding of
semi-landmarks on curves/outlines in 2D and 3D.
scale = TRUE,
reflect = TRUE,
CSinit = TRUE,
orp = TRUE,
proctol = 1e-05,
tol = 1e-05,
pairedLM = NULL,
sizeshape = FALSE,
use.lm = NULL,
center.part = FALSE,
weights = NULL,
centerweight = FALSE,
pcAlign = TRUE,
distfun = c("angle", "riemann"),
SMvector = NULL,
outlines = NULL,
deselect = FALSE,
recursive = TRUE,
iterations = 0,
initproc = FALSE,
bending = TRUE,
stepsize = 1
dataarray |
Input k x m x n real array, where k is the number of points, m is the number of dimensions, and n is the sample size. |
scale |
logical: indicating if scaling is requested to minimize the General Procrustes distance. To avoid all scaling, one has to set |
reflect |
logical: allow reflections. |
CSinit |
logical: if TRUE, all configurations are initially scaled to Unit Centroid Size. |
orp |
logical: if TRUE, an orthogonal projection at the meanshape into tangent space is performed. |
proctol |
numeric: Threshold for convergence in the alignment process |
tol |
numeric: Threshold for convergence in the sliding process |
pairedLM |
A X x 2 matrix containing the indices (rownumbers) of the paired LM. E.g. the left column contains the lefthand landmarks, while the right side contains the corresponding right hand landmarks. |
sizeshape |
Logical: if TRUE, a log transformed variable of Centroid Size will be added to the shapedata as first variable before performing the PCA. |
use.lm |
vector of integers to define a subset of landmarks to be used for Procrustes registration. |
center.part |
Logical: if TRUE, the data superimposed by the subset defined by use.lm will be centered according to the centroid of the complete configuration. Otherwise orp will be set to FALSE to avoid erroneous projection into tangent space. |
weights |
numeric vector: assign per landmark weights. |
centerweight |
logical: if TRUE, the landmark configuration is scaled according to weights during the rotation process, instead of being scaled to the Centroid size. |
pcAlign |
logical: if TRUE, the shapes are aligned by the principal axis of the first specimen |
distfun |
character: "riemann" requests a Riemannian distance for calculating distances to mean, while "angle" uses an approximation by calculating the angle between rotated shapes on the unit sphere. |
SMvector |
A vector containing the landmarks on the curve(s) that are allowed to slide |
outlines |
A vector (or if threre are several curves) a list of vectors (containing the rowindices) of the (Semi-)landmarks forming the curve(s) in the successive position on the curve - including the beginning and end points, that are not allowed to slide. |
deselect |
Logical: if TRUE, the SMvector is interpreted as those landmarks, that are not allowed to slide. |
recursive |
Logical: if TRUE, during the iterations of the sliding process, the outcome of the previous iteration will be used. Otherwise the original configuration will be used in all iterations. |
iterations |
integer: select manually how many iterations will be performed during the sliding process (usefull, when there is very slow convergence). 0 means iteration until convergence. |
initproc |
Logical: indicating if the first Relaxation step is performed against the mean of an initial Procrustes superimposition. Symmetric configurations will be relaxed against a perfectly symmetrical mean. |
bending |
if TRUE, bending energy will be minimized, Procrustes distance otherwise (not suggested with large shape differences) |
stepsize |
integer: dampening factor for the sliding.
Useful to keep semi-landmarks from sliding too far off the surface.
The displacement is calculated as |
This function performs Procrustes registration, allowing a variety of
options, including scaling, orthogonal projection into tangentspace and
relaxation of semi-landmarks on curves (without reprojection onto the
surface/actual outline). It also allows the superimpositioning to be
performed using only a subset of the available landmark. For taking into
account object symmetry, pairedLM
needs to be set. This generates an
object of class "symproc"
. Otherwise an object of class
size |
a vector containing the Centroid Size of the configurations |
rotated |
k x m x n array of the rotated configurations |
Sym |
k x m x n array of the Symmetrical component - only available for the "Symmetry"-Option (when pairedLM is defined) |
Asym |
k x m x n array of the Asymmetrical component. It contains the per-landmark asymmetric displacement for each specimen. Only available for the "Symmetry"-Option (when pairedLM is defined) |
asymmean |
k x m matrix of mean asymmetric deviation from symmetric mean |
mshape |
sample meanshape |
symmean |
meanshape of symmetrized configurations |
tan |
if orp=TRUE: Residuals in tangentspace else, Procrustes residuals - only available without the "Symmetrie"-Option |
PCs |
Principal Components - if sizeshape=TRUE, the first variable of the PCs is size information (as log transformed Centroid Size) |
PCsym |
Principal Components of the Symmetrical Component |
PCasym |
Principal Components of the Asymmetrical Component |
PCscores |
PC scores |
PCscore_sym |
PC scores of the Symmetrical Component |
PCscore_asym |
PC scores of the Asymmetrical Component |
eigenvalues |
eigenvalues of the Covariance matrix |
eigensym |
eigenvalues of the "Symmetrical" Covariance matrix |
eigenasym |
eigenvalues of the "Asymmetrical" Covariance matrix |
Variance |
Table of the explained Variance by the PCs |
SymVar |
Table of the explained "Symmetrical" Variance by the PCs |
AsymVar |
Table of the explained "Asymmetrical" Variance by the PCs |
orpdata |
k x m x n array of the rotated configurations projected into tangent space |
rho |
vector of Riemannian distance from the mean |
dataslide |
array containing slidden Landmarks in the original space - not yet processed by a Procrustes analysis. Only available if a sliding process was requested |
meanlogCS |
mean log-transformed centroid size |
For processing of surface landmarks or including the reprojection of
slid landmarks back onto 3D-surface representations, the usage of
is recommended.
Stefan Schlager
Dryden IL, and Mardia KV. 1998. Statistical shape analysis. Chichester.
Klingenberg CP, Barluenga M, and Meyer A. 2002. Shape analysis of symmetric structures: quantifying variation among individuals and asymmetry. Evolution 56(10):1909-1920.
Gunz, P., P. Mitteroecker, and F. L. Bookstein. 2005. Semilandmarks in Three Dimensions, in Modern Morphometrics in Physical Anthropology. Edited by D. E. Slice, pp. 73-98. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
See Also
### do an analysis of symmetric landmarks
## visualize landmarks on surface
## Not run:
## get landmark numbers
text3d(boneLM[,,1],text=paste(1:10),adj = 1, cex=3)
## End(Not run)
## determine paired Landmarks left side:
left <- c(4,6,8)
## determine corresponding Landmarks on the right side:
# important: keep same order
right <- c(3,5,7)
pairedLM <- cbind(left,right)
symproc <- procSym(boneLM, pairedLM=pairedLM)
## Not run:
## visualize first 3 PCs of symmetric shape
pcaplot3d(symproc, sym=TRUE)
## visualize first 3 PCs of asymmetric shape
pcaplot3d(symproc, sym=FALSE)
## visualze distribution of symmetric PCscores population
pop <- name2factor(boneLM, which=3)
if (require(car)) {
spm(~symproc$PCscore_sym[,1:5], groups=pop)
## visualze distribution of asymmetric PCscores population
spm(~symproc$PCscore_asym[,1:5], groups=pop)
## End(Not run)