coef.monpol |
Extract Model Coefficients |
curvPol |
Evaluating the Curvature of Polynomials |
evalPol |
Evaluating Polynomials |
fitted.monpol |
Extract Model Fitted Values |
fitted.values.monpol |
Extract Model Fitted Values |
hawkins |
hawkins |
ismonotone |
Check whether a polynomial is monotone |
ismonotone.default |
Check whether a polynomial is monotone |
ismonotone.monpol |
Check whether a polynomial is monotone |
model.matrix.monpol |
Construct Design Matrices |
monpol |
Monotone Polynomials |
monpol.control |
Control the Iterations in monpol | |
Monotone Polynomials |
predict.monpol |
Predicting from Monotone Polynomial Fits |
print.monpol |
Printing Monotone Polynomials |
resid.monpol |
Extract Model Residuals |
residuals.monpol |
Extract Model Residuals | |
Monotone Polynomials |
w0 |
Simulated w0 data used in Murray et al. (2013) |
w2 |
Simulated w2 data used in Murray et al. (2013) |