Functions to Fit Monotone Polynomials

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Documentation for package ‘MonoPoly’ version 0.3-10

Help Pages

coef.monpol Extract Model Coefficients
curvPol Evaluating the Curvature of Polynomials
evalPol Evaluating Polynomials
fitted.monpol Extract Model Fitted Values
fitted.values.monpol Extract Model Fitted Values
hawkins hawkins
ismonotone Check whether a polynomial is monotone
ismonotone.default Check whether a polynomial is monotone
ismonotone.monpol Check whether a polynomial is monotone
model.matrix.monpol Construct Design Matrices
monpol Monotone Polynomials
monpol.control Control the Iterations in monpol Monotone Polynomials
predict.monpol Predicting from Monotone Polynomial Fits
print.monpol Printing Monotone Polynomials
resid.monpol Extract Model Residuals
residuals.monpol Extract Model Residuals Monotone Polynomials
w0 Simulated w0 data used in Murray et al. (2013)
w2 Simulated w2 data used in Murray et al. (2013)