.compress_resource |
Helper function for compressing to an RDS file |
.compress_table |
Helper function for compressing to a parquet file |
.format_api_posts |
Formats API posts based on subset definition |
.get_linkfile_content |
Helper function to get the contents of a linkfile |
.load_linked_table |
Helper function to extract the source parquet file in a linkfile |
.load_resource |
Helper function to extract an RDS file |
.load_table |
Helper function to extract a parquet file |
armadillo.copy_resource |
Copy resource |
armadillo.copy_table |
Copy table |
armadillo.create_project |
Create a project for a variable collection |
armadillo.delete_project |
Delete project |
armadillo.delete_resource |
Delete resource |
armadillo.delete_table |
Delete table |
armadillo.get_projects_info |
Gets the Projects information |
armadillo.get_project_users |
Gets the users of an given project name |
armadillo.install_packages |
Install package |
armadillo.list_projects |
List the projects |
armadillo.list_resources |
List the resources in a project |
armadillo.list_tables |
List the tables in a project |
armadillo.load_resource |
Load a resource from a project |
armadillo.load_table |
Load a table from a project |
armadillo.login |
Login |
armadillo.login_basic |
Login with username / password (meant for dev and test environments) |
armadillo.move_resource |
Move the resource |
armadillo.move_table |
Move the table |
armadillo.subset |
Describes data available to subset and makes subset |
armadillo.subset_definition |
Builds an R object containing info required to make subsets |
armadillo.upload_resource |
Uploads a resource to a folder in a project |
armadillo.upload_table |
Uploads a table to a folder in a project |