Classes and Methods for Training and Using Binary Prediction Models

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Documentation for package ‘Modeler’ version 3.4.5

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filterIQR Feature Filtering
filterMax Feature Filtering
filterMean Feature Filtering
filterMedian Feature Filtering
filterMin Feature Filtering
filterRange Feature Filtering
filterSD Feature Filtering
FittedModel Creating FittedModel objects
FittedModel-class Class "FittedModel"
fsChisquared Feature Selection
fsEntropy Feature Selection
fsFisherRandomForest Feature Selection
fsMedSplitOddsRatio Feature Selection
fsModifiedFisher Feature Selection
fsPearson Feature Selection
fsSpearman Feature Selection
fsTailRank Feature Selection
fsTtest Feature Selection
keepAll Feature Selection
learn Learning models from data
learnCCP Fit models and make predictions with a PCA-LR classifier
learnKNN Fit models and make predictions with a KNN classifier
learnLR Fit models and make predictions with a logistic regression classifier
learnNNET Fit models and make predictions with a PCA-LR classifier
learnNNET2 Fit models and make predictions with a multi-level neural network classifier
learnPCALR Fit models and make predictions with a PCA-LR classifier
learnRF Fit models and make predictions with a PCA-LR classifier
learnRPART Fit models and make predictions with a PCA-LR classifier
learnSelectedLR Fit models and make predictions with a PCA-LR classifier
learnSVM Fit models and make predictions with a PCA-LR classifier
learnTailRank Fit models and make predictions with a PCA-LR classifier
Modeler Constructor for "Modeler" objects
Modeler-class Class "Modeler"
modeler3NN Fit models and make predictions with a KNN classifier
modeler5NN Fit models and make predictions with a KNN classifier
modelerCCP Fit models and make predictions with a PCA-LR classifier
modelerLR Fit models and make predictions with a logistic regression classifier
modelerNNET Fit models and make predictions with a PCA-LR classifier
modelerNNET2 Fit models and make predictions with a multi-level neural network classifier
modelerPCALR Fit models and make predictions with a PCA-LR classifier
modelerRF Fit models and make predictions with a PCA-LR classifier
modelerRPART Fit models and make predictions with a PCA-LR classifier
modelerSelectedLR Fit models and make predictions with a PCA-LR classifier
modelerSVM Fit models and make predictions with a PCA-LR classifier
modelerTailRank Fit models and make predictions with a PCA-LR classifier
predict-method Class "FittedModel"
predictCCP Fit models and make predictions with a PCA-LR classifier
predictKNN Fit models and make predictions with a KNN classifier
predictLR Fit models and make predictions with a logistic regression classifier
predictNNET Fit models and make predictions with a PCA-LR classifier
predictNNET2 Fit models and make predictions with a multi-level neural network classifier
predictPCALR Fit models and make predictions with a PCA-LR classifier
predictRF Fit models and make predictions with a PCA-LR classifier
predictRPART Fit models and make predictions with a PCA-LR classifier
predictSelectedLR Fit models and make predictions with a PCA-LR classifier
predictSVM Fit models and make predictions with a PCA-LR classifier
predictTailRank Fit models and make predictions with a PCA-LR classifier