Tools for Building Regression and Classification Models

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Documentation for package ‘ModTools’ version 0.9.6

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ModTools-package Regression and Classification Tools
BestCut Best Cutpoint for a ROC Curve
bioChemists article production by graduate students in biochemistry Ph.D. programs
BreuschPaganTest Breusch-Pagan Test
coef.zeroinfl Methods for zeroinfl Objects
CoeffDiffCI Confidence Interval for the Difference of Two Coefficients in a Linear Model
CP Complexity Parameter of an rpart Model Measurements of Forensic Glass Fragments
d.pima Diabetes survey on Pima Indians
d.pima2 Diabetes survey on Pima Indians
drop1.FitMod Wrapper for Several Model Functions
extractAIC.zeroinfl Methods for zeroinfl Objects
FitMod Wrapper for Several Model Functions
fitted.zeroinfl Methods for zeroinfl Objects
GarsonWeights Variable Importance for Regression and Classification Models
LeafRates Leafrates for the Nodes of an 'rpart' Tree
LogitBoost LogitBoost Classification Algorithm
LogitBoost.default LogitBoost Classification Algorithm
LogitBoost.formula LogitBoost Classification Algorithm
logLik.zeroinfl Methods for zeroinfl Objects
model.matrix.zeroinfl Methods for zeroinfl Objects
ModTools Regression and Classification Tools
Node Nodes and Splits in an rpart Tree
OverSample Oversample and Undersample
plot.CP Complexity Parameter of an rpart Model
plot.FitMod Wrapper for Several Model Functions
plot.LeafRates Leafrates for the Nodes of an 'rpart' Tree
plot.TModC Compare Classification Models
plot.VarImp Variable Importance for Regression and Classification Models
PlotLift Lift Charts to Compare Binary Predictive Models
predict.FitMod Wrapper for Several Model Functions
predict.zeroinfl Methods for zeroinfl Objects
PredictCI Confidence Intervals for Predictions of a GLM
predprob.zeroinfl Methods for zeroinfl Objects
print.CP Complexity Parameter of an rpart Model
print.FitMod Wrapper for Several Model Functions
print.summary.zeroinfl Methods for zeroinfl Objects
print.VarImp Variable Importance for Regression and Classification Models
print.zeroinfl Zero-inflated Count Data Regression
Purity Leafrates for the Nodes of an 'rpart' Tree
RefLevel Used Reference Levels in a Linear Model
residuals.zeroinfl Methods for zeroinfl Objects
Response Extract the Response from Several Models
RobSummary Robust Summary for Linear Models
ROC Build a ROC curve
Rules Extract Rules from 'rpart' Object
Splits Nodes and Splits in an rpart Tree
SplitTrainTest Split DataFrame in Train an Test Sample
summary.FitMod Wrapper for Several Model Functions
summary.zeroinfl Methods for zeroinfl Objects
terms.zeroinfl Methods for zeroinfl Objects
TModC Compare Classification Models
Tobit Tobit Regression
Tune Tune Classificators
UnderSample Oversample and Undersample
VarImp Variable Importance for Regression and Classification Models
VarImp.default Variable Importance for Regression and Classification Models
VarImp.FitMod Variable Importance for Regression and Classification Models
vcov.zeroinfl Methods for zeroinfl Objects
zeroinfl Zero-inflated Count Data Regression
zeroinfl.control Control Parameters for Zero-inflated Count Data Regression