createProcessState {MoNAn}R Documentation



Creates the "Process state", i.e., a MoNAn object that stores all information about the data that will be used in the estimation. This includes the outcome variable (edgelist), the nodesets, and all covariates.


createProcessState(elements, dependentVariable)



A named list of the outcome variable (edgelist), the nodesets, and all covariates that contain the information about the data that will be used in the estimation.


The name of the outcome variable (edgelist) as specified under "elements". This indicates what outcome the researcher is interested in.


An object of class "processState.monan".

See Also

createEdgelist(), createNodeSet(), createNodeVariable(), createNetwork()


# Create a process state out of the mobility data objects:
# create objects (which are later combined to the process state)
transfers <- createEdgelist(mobilityEdgelist,
  nodeSet = c("organisations", "organisations", "people")
people <- createNodeSet(1:nrow(mobilityEdgelist))
organisations <- createNodeSet(1:length(orgRegion))
sameRegion <- outer(orgRegion, orgRegion, "==") * 1
sameRegion <- createNetwork(sameRegion,
  nodeSet = c("organisations", "organisations")
region <- createNodeVariable(orgRegion, nodeSet = "organisations")
size <- createNodeVariable(orgSize, nodeSet = "organisations", addSim = TRUE)
sex <- createNodeVariable(indSex, nodeSet = "people")

# combine created objects to the process state
myState <- createProcessState(list(
    transfers = transfers,
    people = people,
    organisations = organisations,
    sameRegion = sameRegion,
    region = region,
    size = size,
    sex = sex),
  dependentVariable = "transfers")

[Package MoNAn version 1.0.0 Index]