Random Fields on Metric Graphs

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Documentation for package ‘MetricGraph’ version 1.3.0

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MetricGraph-package Gaussian processes on metric graphs
augment Augment data with information from a 'graph_lme' object
augment.graph_lme Augment data with information from a 'graph_lme' object
bru_get_mapper.inla_metric_graph_spde Metric graph 'inlabru' mapper
bru_mapper.inla_metric_graph_spde Metric graph 'inlabru' mapper
drop_na A version of 'tidyr::drop_na()' function for datasets on metric graphs
drop_na.metric_graph_data A version of 'tidyr::drop_na()' function for datasets on metric graphs
exp_covariance Exponential covariance function
filter A version of 'dplyr::filter()' function for datasets on metric graphs
filter.metric_graph_data A version of 'dplyr::filter()' function for datasets on metric graphs
gg_df Data frame for metric_graph_spde_result objects to be used in 'ggplot2'
gg_df.metric_graph_spde_result Data frame for metric_graph_spde_result objects to be used in 'ggplot2'
glance Glance at a 'graph_lme' object
glance.graph_lme Glance at a 'graph_lme' object
graph_bru_process_data Prepare data frames or data lists to be used with 'inlabru' in metric graphs
graph_components Connected components of metric graph
graph_data_spde Data extraction for 'spde' models
graph_lgcp Simulation of log-Gaussian Cox processes driven by Whittle-Matérn fields on metric graphs
graph_lme Metric graph linear mixed effects models
graph_spde 'INLA' implementation of Whittle-Matérn fields for metric graphs
graph_spde_basis Observation/prediction matrices for 'SPDE' models
graph_spde_make_A Deprecated - Observation/prediction matrices for 'SPDE' models
graph_starting_values Starting values for random field models on metric graphs
ibm_jacobian.bru_mapper_inla_metric_graph_spde Metric graph 'inlabru' mapper
ibm_n.bru_mapper_inla_metric_graph_spde Metric graph 'inlabru' mapper
ibm_values.bru_mapper_inla_metric_graph_spde Metric graph 'inlabru' mapper
logo_lines Create lines for package name
make_Q_euler Space-time precision operator Euler discretization
make_Q_spacetime Space-time precision operator discretization
MetricGraph Gaussian processes on metric graphs
metric_graph Metric graph
mutate A version of 'dplyr::mutate()' function for datasets on metric graphs
mutate.metric_graph_data A version of 'dplyr::mutate()' function for datasets on metric graphs
pems Traffic speed data from San Jose, California
plot.graph_bru_pred Plot of predicted values with 'inlabru'
posterior_crossvalidation Leave-one-out crossvalidation for 'graph_lme' models assuming observations at the vertices of metric graphs
predict.graph_lme Prediction for a mixed effects regression model on a metric graph
predict.inla_metric_graph_spde Predict method for 'inlabru' fits on Metric Graphs
predict.rspde_metric_graph Predict method for 'inlabru' fits on Metric Graphs for 'rSPDE' models
sample_spde Samples a Whittle-Matérn field on a metric graph
select A version of 'dplyr::select()' function for datasets on metric graphs
select.metric_graph_data A version of 'dplyr::select()' function for datasets on metric graphs
simulate.graph_lme Simulation of models on metric graphs
simulate_spacetime space-time simulation based on implicit Euler discretization in time
spde_covariance Covariance function for Whittle-Matérn fields
spde_metric_graph_result Metric graph SPDE result extraction from 'INLA' estimation results
spde_precision Precision matrix for Whittle-Matérn fields
summarise A version of 'dplyr::summarise()' function for datasets on metric graphs
summarise.metric_graph_data A version of 'dplyr::summarise()' function for datasets on metric graphs
summary.graph_lme Summary Method for 'graph_lme' Objects
summary.metric_graph Summary Method for 'metric_graph' Objects
summary.metric_graph_spde_result Summary for posteriors of field parameters for an 'inla_rspde' model from a 'rspde.result' object