alternative_headers {MetaSubtract} | R Documentation |
A file with alternative header names in the input files
A file with alternative header names in the input files, which is used to internally convert the header names from your file(s) to the ones used by the script. The file has two columns. The first one contains the variable names as used in the script, the second one contains the header names as specified in the input files. A default file can be found in the subdirectory 'extdata' of the installation directory of MetaSubtract. You can add header names of your files to this file to make the internal conversion.
The variable names in the script are the following:
MARKER marker name
EFFECTALLELE effect allele
OTHERALLELE other allele
BETA effect size
EAF effect allele frequency
N sample size
P p-value
SE standard error of BETA
Z z-score
NSTUDIES number of studies
DIRECTION direction of effects
LP -log10(p-value)
QHET Q-value for heterogeneity
QHETP p-value of QHET
I2HET I2 value for heterogeneity