Natural Language Processing for Meta Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘MetaNLP’ version 0.1.2

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delete_stop_words Delete stop words
delete_stop_words-method Delete stop words
delete_words Delete list of words
delete_words-method Delete list of words
MetaNLP Natural Language Processing for Meta Analysis
MetaNLP-class Natural Language Processing for Meta Analysis
plot-method Create word cloud from MetaNLP-object
read_test_data Read and adapt test data
read_test_data-method Read and adapt test data
replace_special_characters Replace special characters in column names
replace_special_characters-method Replace special characters in column names
select_features Select features via elasticnet regularization
select_features-method Select features via elasticnet regularization
summary-method Summary of MetaNLP-objects
write_csv Save the word count matrix
write_csv-method Save the word count matrix