ClustRandExample1 {MedianaDesigner}R Documentation

Simulation-based design of a cluster-randomized trial (normally distributed endpoint)


Consider a seamless Phase II/Phase III or Phase III trial with a normally distributed primary efficacy endpoint. A larger value of the endpoint corresponds to a more favorable outcome. A single dose or regimen of an experimental treatment will be compared to a control. An adaptive design with two interim analyses will be employed in the trial (the first interim analysis may correspond to the end of the Phase II portion of the trial). The following decision rules will be applied at the interim looks:

The following design parameters will be assumed:

In addition, the following decision rules will be considered at the two interim analyses:

Finally, the mean effects in the control and treatment arms are assumed to be equal to 0 and 0.3, respectively, with a common standard deviation of 1.

Key operating characteristics of this adaptive design will be evaluated using the ClustRand function with 10,000 simulation runs. To invoke this function, a list of all design and decision rule parameters (parameters) needs to be created as shown below. A comprehensive simulation report can be generated by calling the GenerateReport function and a graphical user interface can be launched using the ClustRandApp function.


No arguments


No return value

See Also

ClustRand, ClustRandExample2


# List of all parameters
parameters = list()

# Endpoint type
parameters$endpoint_type = "Normal"

# Direction of favorable outcome
parameters$direction = "Lower"

# Number of completers in the trial arms (control, multiple treatments)
parameters$sample_size = c(100, 100)

# Cluster scheme
parameters$cluster_scheme = "Fixed"

# Vector of cluster sizes in the control arm
parameters$control_cluster_size = rep(10, 10)

# Vector of cluster sizes in the treatment arm
parameters$treatment_cluster_size = rep(10, 10)

# Mean in the control arm 
parameters$control_mean = 1

# Intra-cluster correlation coefficient in the control arm 
parameters$control_icc = 0.6

# Between-cluster standard deviation in the control arm 
parameters$control_between_cluster_sd = 1.2

# Mean in the treatment arm
parameters$treatment_mean = 0.3

# Intra-cluster correlation coefficient in the treatment arm
parameters$treatment_icc = 0.6

# Between-cluster standard deviation in the treatment arm 
parameters$treatment_between_cluster_sd = 1.2

# Data analysis method (generalized estimating equations (GEE) 
# or generalized linear mixed effects model (GLMEM))
parameters$method_type = "GEE"

# One-sided alpha level
parameters$alpha = 0.025

# Number of simulations
parameters$nsims = 10

# Number of cores for parallel calculations
parameters$ncores = 1

# Compute descriptive statistics (arm-specific effects, ICC, cluster sizes) for each simulation run
parameters$descriptive_statistics = TRUE

# Run simulations to compute operating characteristics
results = ClustRand(parameters)

# Generate a simulation report (remove tempfile)
              tempfile("ClustRand Normally distributed endpoint.docx", fileext=".docx"))

[Package MedianaDesigner version 0.13 Index]