List of the trial design and other parameters. The required elements are defined below:
: Character value defining the primary endpoint's type. Possible values:
: Character value defining the direction of favorable outcome. Possible values: "Higher"
(a higher value of the endpoint indicates a more favorable outcome) and "Lower"
(a lower value of the endpoint indicates a more favorable outcome).
: Integer vector defining the dose levels in the trial (0 corresponds to the placebo group). Each element must be non-negative.
: Integer vector defining the total number of patients enrolled in each stage. Each element must be positive.
: Numeric value defining the mean of the primary endpoint in the placebo arm.
: Numeric value defining the standard deviation of the primary endpoint in the placebo arm. This value must be positive.
: Numeric vector defining the mean of the primary endpoint in each dosing arm.
: Numeric vector defining the standard deviation of the primary endpoint in each dosing arm.
: Numeric value defining the length of the treatment period in the trial.
: Numeric value defining the fixed randomization ratio in the placebo arm. This value must be between 0 and 1.
: Numeric value defining the degree of balance for adaptive randomization. This value must be between 0 and 3.
: Numeric value defining the threshold for a clinically meaningful improvement over placebo.
: Numeric value defining the non-linear parameter (delta) for the exponential dose-response model used in the MCPMod method. This value must be positive.
: Numeric value defining the non-linear parameter (ED50) for the Emax dose-response model used in the MCPMod method. This value must be positive.
: Numeric vector with two elements defining the non-linear parameters (ED50 and delta) for the logistic dose-response model used in the MCPMod method. The values must be positive.
: Numeric value defining the length of the patient enrollment period. This value must be positive.
: Numeric value defining the median enrollment time. The patient enrollment process is assumed to be governed by a truncated exponential distribution and this parameter defines the time point by which 50% of the patients are enrolled into the trial. This value must be between 0 and the length of the patient enrollment period.
: Numeric value defining the patient dropout rate. A uniform patient dropout process is assumed and thus this parameter defines the fraction of patients that will be excluded from the interim and final analyses. This value must be between 0 and 1.
alpha: Numeric value defining the overall one-sided Type I error rate. The default value is 0.025.
: Integer value defining the random number generator seed. The default value is 49283.
: Integer value defining the number of simulation runs.
: Integer value defining the number of cores for parallel calculations. The number of cores cannot exceed the maximum available number of cores. The default value is 1.