Manage Spatial Metadata for Known Locations

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Documentation for package ‘MazamaLocationUtils’ version 0.4.3

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MazamaLocationUtils-package Manage Spatial Metadata for Known Locations
APIKeys API keys for data services.
clusterByDistance Add distance-clustering information to a dataframe
coreMetadataNames Names of standard spatial metadata columns
getAPIKey API keys for data services.
getLocationDataDir Get location data directory
id_monitors_500 Idaho monitor locations dataset
initializeMazamaSpatialUtils Initialize MazamaSpatialUtils package
LocationDataDir Directory for location data
location_createID Create one or more unique locationIDs
location_getCensusBlock Get census block data from the FCC API
location_getOpenCageInfo Get location information from OpenCage
location_getSingleAddress_Photon Get address data from the Photon API to OpenStreetMap
location_getSingleAddress_TexasAM Get an address from the Texas A&M reverse geocoding service
location_getSingleElevation_USGS Get elevation data from a USGS web service
location_initialize Create known location record with core metadata
MazamaLocationUtils Manage Spatial Metadata for Known Locations
or_monitors_500 Oregon monitor locations dataset
setAPIKey API keys for data services.
setLocationDataDir Set location data directory
showAPIKeys API keys for data services.
table_addClustering Add clustering information to a dataframe
table_addColumn Add a new column of metadata to a table
table_addCoreMetadata Add missing core metadata columns to a known location table
table_addLocation Add new known location records to a table
table_addOpenCageInfo Add address fields to a known location table
table_addSingleLocation Add a single new known location record to a table
table_filterByDistance Return known locations near a target location
table_findAdjacentDistances Find distances between adjacent locations in a known locations table
table_findAdjacentLocations Finds adjacent locations in a known locations table.
table_getDistanceFromTarget Return distances and directions from a target location to known locations
table_getLocationID Return IDs of known locations
table_getNearestDistance Return distances to nearest known locations
table_getNearestLocation Return known locations
table_getRecordIndex Return indexes of known location records
table_initialize Create an empty known location table
table_initializeExisting Converts an existing table into a known location table
table_leaflet Leaflet interactive map for known locations
table_leafletAdd Add to a leaflet interactive map for known locations
table_load Load a known location table
table_removeColumn Remove a column of metadata in a table
table_removeRecord Remove location records from a table
table_save Save a known location table
table_updateColumn Update a column of metadata in a table
table_updateSingleRecord Update a single known location record in a table
validateLocationTbl Validate a location table
validateMazamaSpatialUtils Validate proper setup of MazamaSpatialUtils
wa_airfire_meta Washington monitor metadata dataset
wa_monitors_500 Wshington monitor locations dataset