wrld_1deg {Matrix} | R Documentation |
Contiguity Matrix of World One-Degree Grid Cells
This matrix gives the contiguities of 15260 one-degree grid cells of world land areas, using a criterion based on the great-circle distance between centers.
A sparse, symmetric
matrix of class
, with 55973
nonzero entries.
Shoreline data were read into R from the GSHHS database
using function Rgshhs
from package maptools.
Antarctica was excluded. An approximately one-degree grid
was generated using function Sobj_SpatialGrid
, also
from maptools. Grid cells with centers on land
were identified using the over
method for classes
and SpatialGrid
, defined in
package sp. Neighbours of these were identified
by passing the resulting SpatialPixels
object to
function dnearneigh
from package spdep,
using as a cut-off a great-circle distance of sqrt(2)
kilometers between centers.
Neighbour lists were augmented with row-standardized
(and then symmetrized) spatial weights, using functions
and similar.listw
from packages
spdep and spatialreg.
The resulting listw
object was coerced to class
using as_dsTMatrix_listw
from spatialreg,
and subsequently to class dsCMatrix
Ord, J. K. (1975). Estimation methods for models of spatial interaction. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 70(349), 120-126. doi:10.2307/2285387
data(wrld_1deg, package = "Matrix")
(n <- ncol(wrld_1deg))
I <- .symDiagonal(n)
doExtras <- interactive() || nzchar(Sys.getenv("R_MATRIX_CHECK_EXTRA"))
r <- if(doExtras) 20L else 3L
rho <- 1 / runif(r, 0, 0.5)
system.time(MJ0 <- sapply(rho, function(mult)
determinant(wrld_1deg + mult * I, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus))
## Can be done faster by updating the Cholesky factor:
C1 <- Cholesky(wrld_1deg, Imult = 2)
system.time(MJ1 <- sapply(rho, function(mult)
determinant(update(C1, wrld_1deg, mult), sqrt = FALSE)$modulus))
stopifnot(all.equal(MJ0, MJ1))
C2 <- Cholesky(wrld_1deg, super = TRUE, Imult = 2)
system.time(MJ2 <- sapply(rho, function(mult)
determinant(update(C2, wrld_1deg, mult), sqrt = FALSE)$modulus))
stopifnot(all.equal(MJ0, MJ2))