mlr.match {MatchLinReg} | R Documentation |
Thin wrapper around Match
function from Matching
Performs propensity score or Mahalanobis matching and return indexes of treatment and control groups.
mlr.match(tr, X, psm = TRUE, replace = F, caliper = Inf
, verbose = TRUE)
tr |
Binary treatment indicator vector (1=treatment, 0=control), whose coefficient in the linear regression model is TE. |
X |
Covariates used in matching, either directly (Mahalanobis matching) or indirectly (propensity score). |
psm |
Boolean flag, indicating whether propensity score matching should be used ( |
replace |
Boolean flag, indicating whether matching must be done with or without replacement. |
caliper |
Size of caliper (standardized distance of two observations) used in matching. Treatment and control observations with standardized distance larger than |
verbose |
Boolean flag, indicating whether size of treatment and control groups before and after matching will be printed. |
For propensity score matching, linear predictors from logistic regression are used (rather than predicted probabilities).
A vector of matched indexes, containing both treatment and control groups. Also, the following attributes are attached: 1) nt
: size of treatment group, 2) nc
: size of control group, 3) psm.reg
: logistic regression object used in generating propensity scores (NA
if psm
), 4) match.obj
: matching object returned by Match
Alireza S. Mahani, Mansour T.A. Sharabiani
tr <- lalonde$treat
Z.i <- as.matrix(lalonde[, c("age", "educ", "black"
, "hispan", "married", "nodegree", "re74", "re75")])
Z.o <- model.matrix(~ I(age^2) + I(educ^2) + I(re74^2) + I(re75^2) - 1, lalonde)
# propensity score matching on all covariates
idx <- mlr.match(tr = tr, X = cbind(Z.i, Z.o), caliper = 1.0, replace = FALSE)
# improvement in maximum single-covariate bias due to matching
bias.obj.before <- mlr.bias(tr = tr, Z.i = Z.i, Z.o = Z.o)
bias.before <- bias.obj.before$subspace$bias
dir <- bias.obj.before$subspace$dir
bias.after <- as.numeric(mlr.bias(tr = tr[idx]
, Z.i = Z.i[idx, ], Z.o = dir[idx], gamma.o = 1.0)$single$bias)
# percentage bias-squared rediction
cat("normalized bias - before:", bias.before, "\n")
cat("normalized bias - after:", bias.after, "\n")
cat("percentage squared-bias reduction:"
, (bias.before^2 - bias.after^2)/bias.before^2, "\n")
# matching with replacement
idx.wr <- mlr.match(tr = tr, X = cbind(Z.i, Z.o), caliper = 1.0
, replace = TRUE)
bias.after.wr <- as.numeric(mlr.bias(tr = tr
, Z.i = Z.i, Z.o = dir, gamma.o = 1.0, idx = idx.wr)$single$bias)
cat("normalized bias - after (with replacement):", bias.after.wr, "\n")