Maeswrap-package |
Bundle of functions for modifying MAESTRA/MAESPA input files, and reading output files. |
checkwatbal |
Checks MAESPA water balance by adding up fluxes for the soil water balance calculated by MAESPA. Prints the total fluxes (precipitation, transpiration, canopy interception, and so on), and the difference between ingoing and outgoing. This is a debugging/checking tool: if the model has serious problems, there will be a missing sink or source. |
maesparunall |
Functions for MAESPA batch runs |
maestrarunall |
Functions for MAESPA batch runs |
Maeswrap |
Bundle of functions for modifying MAESTRA/MAESPA input files, and reading output files. |
maeswrapdefinitions |
Example Maeswrap definition file |
parseFile |
Parse an input file |
Plotstand |
Plot the stand in 3D |
plottree |
Plot the stand in 3D |
plotuspar |
Plot the understorey PAR points |
randomstand |
Generate a simple random stand of trees |
readdayflux |
Reads the dayflx.dat output file |
readhrflux |
Reads the hrflux.dat MAESTRA/MAESPA output file |
readmet |
Reads the met.dat input file |
readNameList |
Read a namelist into a list |
readPAR |
Read a namelist into a list |
readuspar |
Plot the understorey PAR points |
readwatbal |
Reads the watbal.dat MAESPA output file |
replacemetdata |
Replace a weather variable |
replacemetvar |
Replace a weather variable |
replaceNameList |
Replaces a namelist or a parameter |
replacePAR |
Replaces a namelist or a parameter |
revchar |
Reverse a character string. |
runfiletest |
Example Maeswrap run datafile. |
runmaespa |
Functions for MAESPA batch runs |
runmaestra |
Functions for MAESPA batch runs |