calculate_EPT {MacroZooBenthosWaterA} | R Documentation |
This index is calculated based on the number of families belonging to three macroinvertebrate orders: Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera.
This index is calculated based on the number of families belonging to three macroinvertebrate orders: Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera.
EPT_families = c("Ameletidae", "Ametropodidae", "Ameletopsidae", "Arthropleidae",
"Acanthametropodidae", "Baetidae", "Baetiscidae", "Behningiidae", "Caenidae",
"Coloburiscidae", "Ephemerellidae", "Ephemeridae", "Heptageniidae", "Isonychiidae",
"Leptophlebiidae", "Leptohyphidae", "Metretopodidae", "Neoephemeridae",
"Oligoneuriidae", "Palingeniidae", "Prosopistomatidae", "Polymitarcyidae",
"Potamanthidae", "Siphlonuridae", "Tricorythidae", "Oniscigastridae",
"Austroperlidae", "Capniidae", "Chloroperlidae", "Diamphipnoidae",
"Eustheniidae", "Gripopterygidae", "Leuctridae", "Nemouridae", "Notonemouridae",
"Peltoperlidae", "Perlidae", "Perlodidae", "Pteronarcyidae", "Taeniopterygidae",
"Styloperlidae", "Anomalopsychidae", "Antipodoeciidae", "Apataniidae",
"Arctopsychidae", "Atriplectididae", "Beraeidae", "Brachycentridae",
"Calamoceratidae", "Chathamiidae", "Dipseudopsidae", "Ecnomidae", "Glossosomatidae",
"Goeridae", "Helicopsychidae", "Hydrobiosidae", "Hydropsychidae", "Hydroptilidae",
"Kalophryganeidae", "Kokiriidae",
"Lepidostomatidae", "Leptoceridae",
"Limnephilidae", "Molannidae", "Odontoceridae", "Oeconesidae", "Philopotamidae",
"Philorheithridae", "Phryganeidae", "Polycentropodidae", "Psychomyiidae",
"Pisuliidae", "Plectrotarsidae", "Rhyacophilidae", "Stenopsychidae",
"Sericostomatidae", "Tasimiidae", "Uenoidae", "Xiphocentronidae"),
print_results = TRUE
dataset |
Data set must have predefined column names: Family, Abundace and Site |
EPT_families |
families that belong to EPT are given by default |
print_results |
A logical value that determines whether or not to print the results. Defaults to TRUE. |
values from 0-10,
Hilsenhoff, W.L. 1987. An Improved Biotic Index of Organic Stream Pollution. Michigan Entomology Society. 20(11):9-13
Lenat, D.R. 1988. Water quality assessment using a qualitative collection method for benthic macroinvertebrates. J.N. Am. Benthological Soc. 7: 222-233.
MacDonald, D.D., Ingersoll, C.G., and Berger, T.A., 2000, Development and evaluation of consensus-based sediment quality guidelines for freshwater ecosystems: Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, v. 39, p. 20-31.
Weber, C.I., ed., 1973, Biological field and laboratory methods for measuring the quality of surface waters and effluents: Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA-670/4-73-001.
Lenat DR, Penrose DL. History of the EPT taxa richness metric. Bulletin North American Benthological Society. 1996;12:279–290.
Site= c("L1", "L2", "L2")
Family=c("Capniidae", "Aeshnidae", "Chloroperlidae")
test <- data.frame( Family, Site)