calculate_ASPT {MacroZooBenthosWaterA}R Documentation

The Average Score Per Taxon (ASPT) represents the average tolerance score of all taxa within the community, and is calculated by dividing the BMWP by the number of families/taxa represented in the sample.


The Average Score Per Taxon (ASPT) represents the average tolerance score of all taxa within the community, and is calculated by dividing the BMWP by the number of families/taxa represented in the sample.


  Site = "Site",
  tolerances = list(Siphlonuridae = 10, Heptageniidae = 10, Leptophlebiidae = 10,
    Ephemerellidae = 10, Potamanthidae = 10, Ephemeridae = 10, Taeniopterygidae = 10,
    Leuctridae = 10, Capniidae = 10, Perlodidae = 10, Perlidae = 10, Chloroperlidae = 10,
    Aphelocheridae = 10, Phryganeidae = 10, Molannidae = 10, Beraeidae = 10,
    Odontoceridae = 10, Leptoceridae = 10, Goeridae = 10, Lepidostomatidae = 10,
    Brachycentridae = 10, Sericostomatidae = 10, Astacidae = 8, Lestidae = 8, Agriidae =
    8, Gomphidae = 8, Cordulegasteridae = 8, 
     Aeshnidae = 8, Corduliidae = 8,
    Libellulidae = 8, Caenidae = 7, Nemouridae = 7, Rhyacophilidae = 7, Polycentropodidae
    = 7, Limnephilidae = 7, Neritidae = 6, Viviparidae = 6, Ancylidae = 6, Hydroptilidae
    = 6, Unionidae = 6, Platycnemididae = 6, Coenagriidae = 6, Mesoveliidae = 5,
    Hydrometridae = 5, Gerridae = 5, Nepidae = 5, Naucoridae = 5, Notonectidae = 5,
    Pleidae = 5, Corixidae = 5, Haliplidae = 5, Hygrobiidae = 5, Dytiscidae = 5,
    Gyrinidae = 5, Hydrophilidae = 5, Clambidae = 5, Helodidae = 5, 
     Dryopidae = 5,
    Elmidae = 5, Chrysomelidae = 5, Curculionidae = 5, Hydropsychidae = 5, Tipulidae = 5,
    Simuliidae = 5, Planariidae = 5, Dendrocoelidae = 5, Baetidae = 4, Sialidae = 4,
    Piscicolidae = 4, Valvatidae = 3, Hydrobiidae = 3, Lymnaeidae = 3, Physidae = 3,
    Planorbidae = 3, Sphaeriidae = 3, Glossiphoniidae = 3, Hirudidae = 3, Erpobdellidae =
    3, Asellidae = 3, Chironomidae = 2, Oligochaeta = 1, Cypermethrin = 0),
  print_results = TRUE



data must have Family and Site


Site should given as default to your data


this parameter is given by default


A logical value that determines whether or not to print the results. Defaults to TRUE.


will give values of ASPT index from 0-10 and Pollution degree for each site


Paisley M.F., Trigg D.J. & Walley W.J. 2013. Revision of the Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP) Score System: Derivation of present-only and abundance-related scores from field data. River Res. Appl. 30 (7): 887–904. DOI: 10.1002/rra.2686

Zeybek M., Kalyoncu H., Karakaş B. & Özgül S. 2014. The use of BMWP and ASPT indices for evaluation of water quality according to macroinvertebrates in Değirmendere Stream (Isparta, Turkey). Turk. J. Zool. 38: 603–613. DOI: 10.3906/zoo-1310-9

Arslan, N., Salur, A., Kalyoncu, H. et al. The use of BMWP and ASPT indices for evaluation of water quality according to macroinvertebrates in Küçük Menderes River (Turkey). Biologia 71, 49–57 (2016).

Biological Monitoring Working Party Final Report: Assessment and Presentation of Biological Quality of Rivers in Great Britain. December 1978, Department of the Environment, Water Data Unit (1978), p. 37

L. Li, B. Zheng, L. Liu Biomonitoring and bioindicators used for river ecosystems: definitions, approaches and trends Procedia Environ. Sci., 2 (2010), pp. 1510-1524, 10.1016/j.proenv.2010.10.164

National Water Council River Quality: the 1981 Survey and Future Outlook National Water Council, London, UK (1981), p. 39

J. Alba-Tercedor Macroinvertebrados acuáticos y calidad de las aguas de los ríos. IV Simposio del agua en Andalucía (SIAGA) Almería, 2 (1996), pp. 203-231

S. Guareschi, A. Laini, M.M. Sánchez-Montoya How do low-abundance taxa affect river biomonitoring? Exploring the response of different macroinvertebrate-based indices J. Limnol., 76 (s1) (2017), pp. 9-20, 10.4081/jlimnol.2016.1516

S.E. Mustow Biological monitoring of rivers in Thailand: use and adaptation of the BMWP Score Hydrobiologia, 479 (2002), pp. 199-229


Site <- c("L1", "L2", "L2")
Family <- c("Capniidae", "Aeshnidae", "Chloroperlidae")
test <- data.frame(Family, Site)

[Package MacroZooBenthosWaterA version 0.1.0 Index]