Forward Backward Early Dropping selection regression {MXM}R Documentation

Forward Backward Early Dropping selection regression


Forward Backward Early Dropping selection regression.


fbed.reg(target, dataset, prior = NULL, ini = NULL, test = NULL, threshold = 0.05, 
wei = NULL, K = 0, method = "LR", gam = NULL, backward = TRUE) 



The class variable. Provide either a string, an integer, a numeric value, a vector, a factor, an ordered factor or a Surv object.


The dataset; provide either a data frame or a matrix (columns = variables, rows = samples).


If you have prior knowledge of some variables that must be in the variable selection phase add them here. This an be a vector (if you have one variable) or a matrix (if you more variables). This does not work during the backward phase at the moment.


If you already have the test statistics and the p-values of the univariate associations (the first step of FBED) supply them as a list with the names "stat" and "pvalue" respectively. If you have used the EBIc this list contains the eBIC of the univariate associations. Note, that the "gam" argument must be the same though.


The available tests: "testIndReg", "testIndPois", "testIndNB", "testIndLogistic", "testIndMMReg", "testIndBinom", "censIndCR", "censIndWR", "testIndBeta", "testIndZIP", "testIndGamma, "testIndNormLog", "testIndTobit", "testIndQPois", "testIndQBinom", "testIndFisher" "testIndMultinom", "testIndOrdinal", "testIndClogit" and "testIndSPML". Note that not all of them work with eBIC. The only test that does not have "eBIC" and no weights (input argument "wei") is the test "gSquare". The tests "testIndFisher" and "testIndSPML" have no weights.


Threshold (suitable values in (0, 1)) for assessing p-values significance. Default value is 0.05.


A vector of weights to be used for weighted regression. The default value is NULL. It is not suggested when robust is set to TRUE. If you want to use the "testIndBinom", then supply the successes in the y and the trials here. An example where weights are used is surveys when stratified sampling has occured.


How many times should the process be repeated? The default value is 0. You can also specify a range of values of K, say 0:4 for example.


Do you want the likelihood ratio test to be performed ("LR" is the default value) or perform the selection using the "eBIC" criterion (BIC is a special case).


In case the method is chosen to be "eBIC" one can also specify the gammagamma parameter. The default value is "NULL", so that the value is automatically calculated.


After the Forward Early Dropping phase, the algorithm proceeds witha the usual Backward Selection phase. The default value is set to TRUE. It is advised to perform this step as maybe some variables are false positives, they were wrongly selected.

The backward phase using likelihood ratio test and eBIc are two different functions and can be called directly by the user. SO, if you want for example to perform a backard regression with a different threshold value, just use these two functions separately.


The algorithm is a variation of the usual forward selection. At every step, the most significant variable enters the selected variables set. In addition, only the significant variables stay and are further examined. The non signifcant ones are dropped. This goes until no variable can enter the set. The user has the option to re-do this step 1 or more times (the argument K). In the end, a backward selection is performed to remove falsely selected variables. Note that you may have specified, for example, K=10, but the maximum value FBED used can be 4 for example.

The "testIndQPois" and "testIndQBinom" do not work for method = "eBIC" as there is no BIC associated with quasi Poisson and quasi binomial regression models.

If you specify a range of values of K it returns the results of fbed.reg for this range of values of K. For example, instead of runnning fbed.reg with K=0, K=1, K=2 and so on, you can run fbed.reg with K=0:2 and the selected variables found at K=2, K=1 and K=0 are returned. Note also, that you may specify maximum value of K to be 10, but the maximum value FBED used was 4 (for example).


If K is a single number a list including:


If you have used the log-likelihood ratio test this list contains the test statistics and the associated logged p-values of the univariate associations tests. If you have used the EBIc this list contains the eBIC of the univariate associations. Note, that the "gam" argument must be the same though.


A matrix with the selected variables, their test statistic and the associated logged p-value.


A matrix with the number of variables and the number of tests performed (or models fitted) at each round (value of K). This refers to the forward phase only.


The runtime required.


The variables removed in the backward phase.


The number of models fitted in the backward phase.

If K is a sequence of numbers a list tincluding:


If you have used the log-likelihood ratio test this list contains the test statistics and the associated p-values of the univariate associations tests. If you have used the EBIc this list contains the eBIC of the univariate associations.


The results of fbed.reg with the maximum value of K.


A list where each element refers to a K value. If you run FBEd with method = "LR" the selected variables, their test statistic and their p-value is returned. If you run it with method = "eBIC", the selected variables and the eBIC of the model with those variables are returned.


Michail Tsagris

R implementation and documentation: Michail Tsagris


Borboudakis G. and Tsamardinos I. (2019). Forward-backward selection with early dropping. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 20(8): 1-39.

Tsagris, M. and Tsamardinos, I. (2019). Feature selection with the R package MXM. F1000Research 7: 1505

See Also

fs.reg, ebic.bsreg, bic.fsreg, MMPC


#simulate a dataset with continuous data
dataset <- matrix( runif(100 * 20, 1, 100), ncol = 20 )
#define a simulated class variable 
target <- rt(100, 10)

a1 <- fbed.reg(target, dataset, test = "testIndReg") 
y <- rpois(100, 10)
a2 <- fbed.reg(y, dataset, test = "testIndPois") 
a3 <- MMPC(y, dataset)

[Package MXM version 1.5.5 Index]