PP_Index {MVar.pt}R Documentation

Funcao para encontrar os indices da projection pursuit (PP).


Funcao usada para encontrar os indices da projection pursuit (PP).


PP_Index(data, class = NA, vector.proj = NA, 
         findex = "HOLES", dimproj = 2, weight = TRUE, 
         lambda = 0.1, r = 1, ck = NA)



Conjunto de dados numericos sem a informacao das classes.


Vetor com os nomes das classes dos dados.


Vetor projecao.


Funcao indice de projecao a ser usada:
"lda" - Indice LDA,
"pda" - Indice PDA,
"lr" - Indice Lr,
"holes" - Indice holes (default),
"cm" - Indice massa central,
"pca" - Indice PCA,
"friedmantukey" - Indice Friedman Tukey,
"entropy" - Indice entropia,
"legendre" - Indice Legendre,
"laguerrefourier" - Indice Laguerre Fourier,
"hermite" - Indice Hermite,
"naturalhermite" - Indice Hermite natural,
"kurtosismax" - Indice curtose maxima,
"kurtosismin" - Indice curtose minima,
"moment" - Indice momento,
"mf" - Indice MF,
"chi" - Indice qui-quadrado.


Dimensao da projecao dos dados (default = 2).


Usado nos indice LDA, PDA e Lr, para ponderar os calculos pelo numero de elementos em cada classe (default = TRUE).


Usado no indice PDA (default = 0.1).


Usado no indice Lr (default = 1).


Uso interno da funcao indice CHI.



Numero de classes.


Nomes das classes.


Funcao indice de projecao usada.


Vetores de projecao encontrados.


Indice de projecao encontrado no processo.


Paulo Cesar Ossani

Marcelo Angelo Cirillo


Ossani, P. C.; Figueira, M. R.; Cirillo, M. A. Proposition of a new index for projection pursuit in the multiple factor analysis. Computational and Mathematical Methods, v. 1, p. 1-18, 2020.

Cook, D.; Buja, A.; Cabrera, J. Projection pursuit indexes based on orthonormal function expansions. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2(3):225-250, 1993.

Cook, D.; Buja, A.; Cabrera, J.; Hurley, C. Grand tour and projection pursuit, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 4(3), 155-172, 1995.

Cook, D.; Swayne, D. F. Interactive and Dynamic Graphics for data Analysis: With R and GGobi. Springer. 2007.

Espezua, S.; Villanueva, E.; Maciel, C. D.; Carvalho, A. A projection pursuit framework for supervised dimension reduction of high dimensional small sample datasets. Neurocomputing, 149, 767-776, 2015.

Friedman, J. H., Tukey, J. W. A projection pursuit algorithm for exploratory data analysis. IEEE Transaction on Computers, 23(9):881-890, 1974.

Hastie, T., Buja, A., Tibshirani, R. Penalized discriminant analysis. The Annals of Statistics. 23(1), 73-102 . 1995.

Huber, P. J. Projection pursuit. Annals of Statistics, 13(2):435-475, 1985.

Jones, M. C.; Sibson, R. What is projection pursuit, (with discussion), Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A 150, 1-36, 1987.

Lee, E. K.; Cook, D. A projection pursuit index for large p small n data. Statistics and Computing, 20(3):381-392, 2010.

Lee, E.; Cook, D.; Klinke, S.; Lumley, T. Projection pursuit for exploratory supervised classification. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 14(4):831-846, 2005.

Martinez, W. L., Martinez, A. R.; Computational Statistics Handbook with MATLAB, 2th. ed. New York: Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2007. 794 p.

Martinez, W. L.; Martinez, A. R.; Solka, J. Exploratory data Analysis with MATLAB, 2th. ed. New York: Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2010. 499 p.

Pena, D.; Prieto, F. Cluster identification using projections. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 96(456):1433-1445, 2001.

Posse, C. Projection pursuit exploratory data analysis, Computational Statistics and data Analysis, 29:669-687, 1995a.

Posse, C. Tools for two-dimensional exploratory projection pursuit, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 4:83-100, 1995b.

See Also

PP_Optimizer and Plot.PP


data(iris) # conjunto de dados

data <- iris[,1:4]

# Exemplo 1 - Sem as classes nos dados
ind <- PP_Index(data = data, class = NA, vector.proj = NA, 
                findex = "moment", dimproj = 2, weight = TRUE, 
                lambda = 0.1, r = 1)

print("Numero de classes:"); ind$num.class
print("Nomes das classes:"); ind$class.names
print("Funcao indice de projecao:"); ind$findex
print("Vetores de projecao:"); ind$vector.proj  
print("Indice de projecao:"); ind$index

# Exemplo 2 - Com as classes nos dados
class <- iris[,5] # classe dos dados

findex <- "pda" # funcao indice

sphere <- TRUE # Dados esfericos

res <- PP_Optimizer(data = data, class = class, findex = findex,
                    optmethod = "SA", dimproj = 2, sphere = sphere, 
                    weight = TRUE, lambda = 0.1, r = 1, cooling = 0.9, 
                    eps = 1e-3, maxiter = 1000, half = 30)

# Comparando o resultado obtido
if (match(toupper(findex),c("LDA", "PDA", "LR"), nomatch = 0) > 0) {
  if (sphere) {
     data <- apply(predict(prcomp(data)), 2, scale) # dados esfericos
} else data <- as.matrix(res$proj.data[,1:Dim])

ind <- PP_Index(data = data, class = class, vector.proj = res$vector.opt, 
                findex = findex, dimproj = 2, weight = TRUE, lambda = 0.1,
                r = 1)

print("Numero de classes:"); ind$num.class
print("Nomes das classes:"); ind$class.names
print("Funcao indice de projecao:"); ind$findex
print("Vetores de projecao:"); ind$vector.proj  
print("Indice de projecao:"); ind$index
print("Indice de projecao otimizado:"); res$index[length(res$index)]

[Package MVar.pt version 2.2.2 Index]