forecasting.T1 {MTSYS}R Documentation

Forecasting method for the T1 method


forecasting.T1 (via forecasting) estimates the dependent values based on the T1 model.


## S3 method for class 'T1'
forecasting(model, newdata, includes_transformed_newdata = FALSE)



Object of class "T1" generated by T1 or generates_model(..., method = "T1").


Matrix with n rows (samples) and p columns (variables). The Data to be estimated. All data should be continuous values and should not have missing values.


If TRUE, then the transformed data for newdata are included in a return object.


A list containing the following components is returned.


Vector with length n. The estimated values of the dependent variable after the data transformation.


Vector with length n. The estimated values after the inverse transformation from M_hat.


Object of class "T1" passed by model.


The number of samples for newdata.


The number of variables after the data transformation. q equals p.


If includes_transformed_newdata is TRUE, then the transformed data for newdata are included.


Taguchi, G. (2006). Objective Function and Generic Function (12). Journal of Quality Engineering Society, 14(3), 5-9. (In Japanese)

Inou, A., Nagata, Y., Horita, K., & Mori, A. (2012). Prediciton Accuracies of Improved Taguchi's T Methods Compared to those of Multiple Regresssion Analysis. Journal of the Japanese Society for Quality Control, 42(2), 103-115. (In Japanese)

Kawada, H., & Nagata, Y. (2015). An application of a generalized inverse regression estimator to Taguchi's T-Method. Total Quality Science, 1(1), 12-21.

See Also

general_forecasting.T and T1


# The value of the dependent variable of the following samples mediates
# in the stackloss dataset.
stackloss_center <- stackloss[c(9, 10, 11, 20, 21), ]

# The following samples are data other than the unit space data and the test
# data.
stackloss_signal <- stackloss[-c(2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 21), ]

model_T1 <- T1(unit_space_data = stackloss_center,
               signal_space_data = stackloss_signal,
               subtracts_V_e = TRUE,
               includes_transformed_data = TRUE)

# The following test samples are chosen casually.
stackloss_test <- stackloss[c(2, 12, 19), -4]

forecasting_T1 <- forecasting(model = model_T1,
                              newdata = stackloss_test,
                              includes_transformed_newdata = TRUE)

(forecasting_T1$y_hat) # Estimated values
(stackloss[c(2, 12, 19), 4]) # True values

[Package MTSYS version 1.2.0 Index]