tdev {MTA} | R Documentation |
Territorial Deviation
Compute the deviation of each territorial unit as regards to an intermediate territorial level of reference.
tdev(x, var1, var2, type = "rel", key)
x |
a dataframe or a sf object including var1 and var2 and an aggregation key field (territorial belonging). |
var1 |
name of the numerator variable in x. |
var2 |
name of the denominator variable in x. |
type |
type of deviation; "rel" for relative deviation, "abs" for absolute deviation (see Details). |
key |
aggregation key field for measuring the deviation (intermediate territorial level). |
The relative territorial deviation is the ratio between var1/var2 and
var1/var2 at the aggregated level. Values greater than 100 indicate that the
unit ratio is greater than the ratio at the aggregated level. Values lower
than 100 indicate that the unit ratio is lower than the ratio of the
aggregated level.
The absolute territorial deviation is the amount of numerator that could be
moved to obtain the ratio of the aggregated level on all belonging units.
A vector is returned.
# Load data
com <- st_read(system.file("metroparis.gpkg", package = "MTA"), layer = "com", quiet = TRUE)
ept <- st_read(system.file("metroparis.gpkg", package = "MTA"), layer = "ept", quiet = TRUE)
# compute absolute territorial deviation
com$tdevabs <- tdev(x = com, var1 = "INC", var2 = "TH", key = "EPT",
type = "abs")
# compute relative territorial deviation
com$tdevrel <- tdev(x = com, var1 = "INC", var2 = "TH", key = "EPT",
type = "rel")
# relative deviation map
# set breaks
bks <- c(min(com$tdevrel), 80, 91, 100, 110, 125, max(com$tdevrel))
# plot a choropleth map of the relative territorial deviation
mf_map(x = com, var = "tdevrel", type = "choro", leg_pos = "topleft",
leg_title = "Relative Deviation\n(100 = general average)",
breaks = bks, border = NA,
pal = c("#4575B4", "#91BFDB", "#E0F3F8", "#FEE090", "#FC8D59", "#D73027"))
# add EPT boundaries
mf_map(x = ept, col = NA, add = TRUE)
# layout
mf_layout(title = "Territorial Deviation (reference: EPT of belonging)",
credits = paste0("Sources: GEOFLA® 2015 v2.1, Apur,",
"\nMTA", packageVersion("MTA")),
arrow = FALSE)
# absolute deviation map
com$sign <- ifelse(test = com$tdevabs < 0, yes = "Under-Income", no = "Over-Income")
mf_map(x = com, var = c("tdevabs", "sign"), type = "prop_typo", inches = 0.2,
leg_title = c("Absolute Deviation\n(Income redistribution, euros)",
"Redistribution direction"),
leg_pos = c("topleft", "topright"), leg_val_rnd = -2,
val_order = c("Under-Income", "Over-Income"),
pal = c("#ff0000","#0000ff"), add = TRUE)
# layout
mf_layout(title = "Territorial Deviation (reference: EPT of belonging)",
credits = paste0("Sources: GEOFLA® 2015 v2.1, Apur,",
"\nMTA", packageVersion("MTA")),
arrow = FALSE)