MSTest-package {MSTest} | R Documentation |
Testing Markov Switching Models
This package implements hypothesis testing procedures that can be used to identify the number of regimes in a Markov-Switching model.
Gabriel Rodriguez Rondon, (Maintainer)
Jean-Marie Dufour,
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Rodriguez Rondon, Gabriel and Jean-Marie Dufour. 2022. "Simulation-Based Inference for Markov Switching Models” JSM Proceedings, Business and Economic Statistics Section: American Statistical Association.
Rodriguez Rondon, Gabriel and Jean-Marie Dufour. 2022. “Monte Carlo Likelihood Ratio Tests for Markov Switching Models.” Unpublished manuscript.
Rodriguez Rondon, Gabriel and Jean-Marie Dufour. 2022. “MSTest: An R-package for Testing Markov-Switching Models.” Unpublished manuscript.
Qu, Zhongjun, and Fan Zhuo. 2021. “Likelihood Ratio-Based Tests for Markov Regime Switching.” The Review of Economic Studies 88 (2): 937–968.