BootLRTest {MSTest}R Documentation

Bootstrap Likelihood Ratio Test


This function performs the bootstrap likelihood ratio test discussed in Qu & Zhuo (2021) and Kasahara & Shimotsu (2018).


BootLRTest(Y, p, k0, k1, control = list())



Series to be tested. Must be a (T x q) matrix.


Number of autoregressive lags. Must be greater than or equal to 0.


Number of regimes under null hypothesis. Must be greater than or equal to 1.


Number of regimes under alternative hypothesis. Must be greater than k0.


List with test procedure options including:

  • B: Integer determining the number of bootstrap simulations. Default is set to 999.

  • burnin: Number of simulated observations to remove from beginning. Default is 100.

  • converge_check: String of NULL determining if convergence of model(s) should be verified. Allowed inputs are: "null", "alt", "both", or NULL. If NULL (default) no model convergence is verified.

  • workers: Integer determining the number of workers to use for parallel computing version of test. Note that parallel pool must already be open. Default is 0.

  • mdl_h0_control: List with restricted model options. See Nmdl, ARmdl, VARmdl, HMmdl, MSARmdl, or MSVARmdl documentation for available and default values.

  • mdl_h1_control: List with unrestricted model options. See HMmdl, MSARmdl, or MSVARmdl documentation for available and default values.


List of class LMCLRTest (S3 object) with attributes including:


Qu, Zhongjun, and Fan Zhuo. 2021. “Likelihood Ratio-Based Tests for Markov Regime Switching.” The Review of Economic Studies 88 (2): 937–968.

Kasahara, Hiroyuk, and Katsum Shimotsu. 2018. “Testing the number of regimes in Markov regime switching models.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.06862.

Rodriguez-Rondon, Gabriel and Jean-Marie Dufour. 2023. “Monte Carlo Likelihood Ratio Tests for Markov Switching Models.” Unpublished manuscript.

[Package MSTest version 0.1.2 Index]