OCandASN.MSPRT {MSPRT}R Documentation

Operating characteristics (OC) and Average Sample Number (ASN) of a designed MSPRT


This function obtains the operating characteristics, that is the probability of accepting H0H_0 and the sample size required on average for reaching a decision, for a designed MSPRT at the specified effect size(s).


OCandASN.MSPRT(theta, design.MSPRT.object, 
               termination.threshold, test.type, side = "right", 
               theta0, Type1.target = 0.005, Type2.target = 0.2,
               N.max, N1.max, N2.max,
               sigma = 1, sigma1 = 1, sigma2 = 1, 
               batch.size, batch1.size, batch2.size, 
               nReplicate = 1e+06, nCore = max(1, detectCores() - 1),
               verbose = T, seed = 1)



Numeric vector. Vector of effect size(s) where the operating characteristics of the MSPRT is desired.


List. The output returned from design.MSPRT corresponding to the MSPRT for which the operating characteristics are desired.


Positive numeric. Termination threshold of the designed MSPRT.


Same as in design.MSPRT. Not required if design.MSPRT.object is provided.


Same as in design.MSPRT. Not required if design.MSPRT.object is provided.


Same as in design.MSPRT. Not required if design.MSPRT.object is provided.


Same as in design.MSPRT. Not required if design.MSPRT.object is provided.


Same as in design.MSPRT. Not required if design.MSPRT.object is provided.


Same as in design.MSPRT. Not required if design.MSPRT.object is provided.


Same as in design.MSPRT. Not required if design.MSPRT.object is provided.


Same as in design.MSPRT. Not required if design.MSPRT.object is provided.


Same as in design.MSPRT. Not required if design.MSPRT.object is provided.


Same as in design.MSPRT. Not required if design.MSPRT.object is provided.


Same as in design.MSPRT. Not required if design.MSPRT.object is provided.


Same as in design.MSPRT. Not required if design.MSPRT.object is provided.


Same as in design.MSPRT. Not required if design.MSPRT.object is provided.


Same as in design.MSPRT. Not required if design.MSPRT.object is provided.


Positive integer. Total number of replications to be used in Monte Carlo simulation for calculating the termination threshold and the operating characteristics of the MSPRT.

Default: 1,000,000.


Logical. If TRUE (default), returns messages of the current proceedings. Otherwise it doesn't.


Positive integer. Total number of cores available for computation. Can be anything 1\ge 1.

Default: detectCores() - 1. That is, 1 less than the total number of available cores.


Integer. Random number generating seed.

Default: 1.


If design.MSPRT.object is provided, one can only additionally provide nReplicate, nCore, verbose and seed (Easier option). Otherwise, just like in design.MSPRT, all the other arguments together with termination.threshold (obtained from design.MSPRT) needs to be provided adequately.


Data frame.


Sandipan Pramanik, Valen E. Johnson and Anirban Bhattacharya


Pramanik S., Johnson V. E. and Bhattacharya A. (2020+). A Modified Sequential Probability Ratio Test. [Arxiv]


#################### one-sample proportion test ####################

#### right sided ####
### design
#design.oneprop.right <- design.MSPRT(test.type = 'oneProp', side = 'right',
#                                     N.max = 20)

### OC and ASN
#OC.oneprop.right <- OCandASN.MSPRT(theta = seq(design.oneprop.right$theta0, 1,
#                                               length.out = 3),
#                                   design.MSPRT.object = design.oneprop.right)

#### left sided ####
### design
#design.oneprop.left = design.MSPRT(test.type = 'oneProp', side = 'left',
#                                   N.max = 20)

### OC and ASN
#OC.oneprop.left = OCandASN.MSPRT(theta = seq(0, design.oneprop.right$theta0,
#                                             length.out = 3),
#                                 design.MSPRT.object = design.oneprop.left)

#### both sided ####
### design
#design.oneprop.both = design.MSPRT(test.type = 'oneProp', side = 'both',
#                                   N.max = 20)

### OC and ASN
#OC.oneprop.both = OCandASN.MSPRT(theta = seq(0, 1, length.out = 3),
#                                 design.MSPRT.object = design.oneprop.both)

#################### one-sample z test ####################

#### right sided ####
### design
#design.onez.right = design.MSPRT(test.type = 'oneZ', side = 'right',
#                                 N.max = 20)

### OC and ASN
#OC.onez.right = OCandASN.MSPRT(theta = seq(design.onez.right$theta0,
#                                           design.onez.right$theta0 + 3*design.onez.right$sigma,
#                                           length.out = 3),
#                               design.MSPRT.object = design.onez.right)

#### left sided ####
### design
#design.onez.left = design.MSPRT(test.type = 'oneZ', side = 'left',
#                                N.max = 20)

### OC and ASN
#OC.onez.left = OCandASN.MSPRT(theta = seq(design.onez.left$theta0 - 3*design.onez.left$sigma,
#                                          design.onez.left$theta0,
#                                          length.out = 3),
#                              design.MSPRT.object = design.onez.left)

#### both sided ####
### design
#design.onez.both = design.MSPRT(test.type = 'oneZ', side = 'both',
#                                N.max = 20)

### OC and ASN
#OC.onez.both = OCandASN.MSPRT(theta = seq(design.onez.both$theta0 - 3*design.onez.both$sigma,
#                                          design.onez.both$theta0 + 3*design.onez.both$sigma,
#                                          length.out = 3),
#                              design.MSPRT.object = design.onez.both)

#################### one-sample t test ####################

#### right sided ####
### design
#design.onet.right = design.MSPRT(test.type = 'oneT', side = 'right',
#                                 N.max = 20)

### OC and ASN
#OC.onet.right = OCandASN.MSPRT(theta = seq(design.onet.right$theta0, 1,
#                                           length.out = 3),
#                               design.MSPRT.object = design.onet.right)

#### left sided ####
### design
#design.onet.left = design.MSPRT(test.type = 'oneT', side = 'left',
#                                N.max = 20)

### OC and ASN
#OC.onet.left = OCandASN.MSPRT(theta = seq(-1, design.onet.left$theta0,
#                                          length.out = 3),
#                              design.MSPRT.object = design.onet.left)

#### both sided ####
### design
#design.onet.both = design.MSPRT(test.type = 'oneT', side = 'both',
#                                N.max = 20)

### OC and ASN
#OC.onet.both = OCandASN.MSPRT(theta = seq(-1, 1, length.out = 3),
#                              design.MSPRT.object = design.onet.both)

#################### two-sample z test ####################

#### right sided ####
### design
#design.twoz.right = design.MSPRT(test.type = 'twoZ', side = 'right',
#                                 N1.max = 20, N2.max = 20)

### OC and ASN
#OC.twoz.right = OCandASN.MSPRT(theta = seq(design.twoz.right$theta0, 
#                                           design.twoz.right$theta0 + 2,
#                                           length.out = 3),
#                               design.MSPRT.object = design.twoz.right)

#### left sided ####
### design
#design.twoz.left = design.MSPRT(test.type = 'twoZ', side = 'left',
#                                N1.max = 20, N2.max = 20)

### OC and ASN
#OC.twoz.left = OCandASN.MSPRT(theta = seq(design.twoz.left$theta0 - 2,
#                                          design.twoz.left$theta0,
#                                          length.out = 3),
#                              design.MSPRT.object = design.twoz.left)

#### both sided ####
### design
#design.twoz.both = design.MSPRT(test.type = 'twoZ', side = 'both',
#                                N1.max = 20, N2.max = 20)

### OC and ASN
#OC.twoz.both = OCandASN.MSPRT(theta = seq(design.twoz.both$theta0 - 2,
#                                          design.twoz.both$theta0 + 2,
#                                          length.out = 3),
#                             design.MSPRT.object = design.twoz.both)

#################### two-sample t test ####################

#### right sided ####
### design
#design.twot.right = design.MSPRT(test.type = 'twoT', side = 'right',
#                                 N1.max = 20, N2.max = 20)

### OC and ASN
#OC.twot.right = OCandASN.MSPRT(theta = seq(design.twot.right$theta0, 
#                                           design.twot.right$theta0 + 2,
#                                           length.out = 3),
#                               design.MSPRT.object = design.twot.right)

#### left sided ####
### design
#design.twot.left = design.MSPRT(test.type = 'twoT', side = 'left',
#                                N1.max = 20, N2.max = 20)

### OC and ASN
#OC.twot.left = OCandASN.MSPRT(theta = seq(design.twot.left$theta0 - 2,
#                                          design.twot.left$theta0,
#                                          length.out = 3),
#                              design.MSPRT.object = design.twot.left)

#### both sided ####
### design
#design.twot.both = design.MSPRT(test.type = 'twoT', side = 'both',
#                                N1.max = 20, N2.max = 20)

### OC and ASN
#OC.twot.both = OCandASN.MSPRT(theta = seq(design.twot.both$theta0 - 2,
#                                          design.twot.both$theta0 + 2,
#                                          length.out = 3),
#                              design.MSPRT.object = design.twot.both)

[Package MSPRT version 3.0 Index]