MSGARCH-package | The R package MSGARCH |
CreateSpec | Model specification. |
dem2gbp | DEM/GBP exchange rate log-returns |
DIC | Deviance Information Criterion (DIC). |
DIC.MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT | Deviance Information Criterion (DIC). |
ExtractStateFit | Single-regime model extractor. |
ExtractStateFit.MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT | Single-regime model extractor. |
ExtractStateFit.MSGARCH_ML_FIT | Single-regime model extractor. |
FitMCMC | MCMC/Bayesian estimation. |
FitML | Maximum Likelihood estimation. |
MSGARCH | The R package MSGARCH |
PIT | Probability integral transform. |
PIT.MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT | Probability integral transform. |
PIT.MSGARCH_ML_FIT | Probability integral transform. |
PIT.MSGARCH_SPEC | Probability integral transform. |
predict.MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT | predict method. |
predict.MSGARCH_ML_FIT | predict method. |
predict.MSGARCH_SPEC | predict method. |
PredPdf | Predictive density. |
PredPdf.MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT | Predictive density. |
PredPdf.MSGARCH_ML_FIT | Predictive density. |
PredPdf.MSGARCH_SPEC | Predictive density. |
Risk | Value-at-Risk and Expected-shortfall. |
Risk.MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT | Value-at-Risk and Expected-shortfall. |
Risk.MSGARCH_ML_FIT | Value-at-Risk and Expected-shortfall. |
Risk.MSGARCH_SPEC | Value-at-Risk and Expected-shortfall. |
simulate.MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT | Simulation of MSGARCH processes. |
simulate.MSGARCH_ML_FIT | Simulation of MSGARCH processes. |
simulate.MSGARCH_SPEC | Simulation of MSGARCH processes. |
SMI | Swiss market index dataset |
State | State probabilities. |
State.MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT | State probabilities. |
State.MSGARCH_ML_FIT | State probabilities. |
State.MSGARCH_SPEC | State probabilities. |
TransMat | Transition matrix. |
TransMat.MSGARCH_ML_FIT | Transition matrix. |
TransMat.MSGARCH_SPEC | Transition matrix. |
UncVol | Unconditional volatility. |
UncVol.MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT | Unconditional volatility. |
UncVol.MSGARCH_ML_FIT | Unconditional volatility. |
UncVol.MSGARCH_SPEC | Unconditional volatility. |
Volatility | Volatility filtering. |
Volatility.MSGARCH_MCMC_FIT | Volatility filtering. |
Volatility.MSGARCH_ML_FIT | Volatility filtering. |
Volatility.MSGARCH_SPEC | Volatility filtering. |