Data and Functions for the Book Modern Statistical Graphics

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Documentation for package ‘MSG’ version 0.8

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MSG-package Modern Statistical Graphics
andrews_curve Draw Andrew's Curve
assists Assists between players in CLE and LAL
BinormCircle Random numbers containing a "circle"
canabalt The scores of the game Canabalt from Twitter
char_gen Generate a matrix of similar characters
ChinaLifeEdu Life Expectancy and the Number of People with Higher Education in China (2005)
cut_plot Cut the points in a scatter plot into groups according to x-axis
Export.USCN Export of US and China from 1999 to 2004 in US dollars Percentage data in some government websites
heart_curve Draw a heart curve
MSG Modern Statistical Graphics
msg Plot a graph with a pre-installed R script
murcia Composition of Soil from Murcia Province, Spain
music Attributes of some music clips
PlantCounts Number of plants corresponding to altitude
quake6 Earth quakes from 1973 to 2010
t.diff The differences of P-values in t test assuming equal or unequal variances
tukeyCount Results of a Simulation to Tukey's Fast Test
tvearn Top TV earners
vec2col Generate colors from a vector
vec2col.default Generate colors from a vector
vec2col.factor Generate colors from a vector