mllMRH1 {MRHawkes}R Documentation

Minus loglikelihood of an (bivariate) MRHawkes model with most recent immigrant probabilities


Calculates the minus loglikelihood of an (bivariate) RHawkes model with given immigration hazard functions μ\mu, common offspring density functions hh and bracnhing ratios η\eta for event times and event types data on interval [0,cens][0,cens]. The same as mllMRH although this version also returns the most recent immigrant probabilities at the censoring.


mllMRH1(data, cens, par,
       h1.fn = function(x, p) 1 / p * exp( - x / p),
       h2.fn = function(x, p) 1 / p * exp( - x / p),
       mu1.fn = function(x, p){ 
              exp(dweibull(x, shape = p[1], scale = p[2], log = TRUE) -
                  pweibull(x, shape = p[1], scale = p[2], lower.tail = FALSE, 
                  log.p = TRUE))
       mu2.fn = function(x, p){
             exp(dweibull(x, shape = p[1], scale = p[2], log = TRUE) -
                 pweibull(x, shape = p[1], scale = p[2], lower.tail = FALSE, 
                 log.p = TRUE))
       H1.fn = function(x, p) pexp(x, rate = 1 / p),
       H2.fn = function(x, p) pexp(x, rate = 1 / p),
       Mu1.fn = function(x, p){
         - pweibull(x, shape = p[1], scale = p[2], lower.tail = FALSE, 
                   log.p = TRUE)
       Mu2.fn = function(x, p){
         - pweibull(x, shape = p[1], scale = p[2], lower.tail = FALSE, 
                    log.p = TRUE)



A two column matrix. The first column contains the event times sorted in ascending order. The second column contains the corresponding event type with the label one or two.


A scalar. The censoring time.


A numeric vector. Contains the ten parameters of the model, in order of the immigration parameters μ(.)\mu(.) for the two renewal distributions, the two offspring parameters h(.)h(.) and lastly the four branching ratios η\eta.


A (vectorized) function. The offspring density function for type one events.


A (vectorized) function. The offspring density function for type two events.


A (vectorized) function. The immigration hazard function for events of type one.


A (vectorized) function. The immigration hazard function for events of type two.


A (vectorized) function. Its value at t gives the integral of the offspring density function from 0 to t for type one events.


A (vectorized) function. Its value at t gives the integral of the offspring density function from 0 to t for type two events.


A (vectorized) function. Its value at t gives the integral of the immigrant hazard function from 0 to t for type one events.


A (vectorized) function. Its value at t gives the integral of the immigrant hazard function from 0 to t for type two events.



minus log-likelihood


most recent immigrant probabilities at the censoring time


number of events


Tom Stindl <> Feng Chen <>

See Also



  data <- cbind(sort(runif(1000,0,1000)), 
                sample(1:2, size = 1000, replace = TRUE))
  tmp <- mllMRH1(data = data, cens = 1001, 
                 par = c(3,1.2,1/3,0.2,1,1,0.5,0.2,0.2,0.3))
  ## last immigrant probabilities
  lip <- tmp$p
  ## sample last immigrant at censoring time for component one and 
  ## component two respectively
  c(sample(0:1000, 1, replace = TRUE, prob = rowSums(lip)), 
  sample(0:1000, 1, replace = TRUE, prob = colSums(lip)))

[Package MRHawkes version 1.0 Index]