constraint_vbr {MOEADr}R Documentation

"Violation-based Ranking" constraint handling method for MOEA/D


Uses the Violation-based Ranking handling method to generate a preference index for the MOEADr framework.


constraint_vbr(bigZ, bigV, type = c("ts", "sr", "vt"), pf = NULL, ...)



Matrix of scalarized objective values for each neighborhood and the incumbent solution (generated by scalarize_values())


Matrix of violation values for each neighborhood and the incumbent solution (generated in order_neighborhood())


type of c(x) function to use (see ⁠c(x) Criteria⁠ for details).


probability parameter for type = "sr" (ignored in other modes).


other parameters (unused, included for compatibility with generic call)


This function calculates the preference index of a set of neighborhoods based on the "violation-based ranking" (VBR) constraint handling method. Please see order_neighborhood() for more information on the preference index matrix.

The VBR strategy generalizes some well-known methods for handling constraints in population-based metaheuristics (see Section ⁠c(x) Criteria⁠). This strategy essentially ranks points within for a given subproblem based on their aggregated function value (f^{agg}(x|w_i)) or their total constraint violation (v(x)). Specific variations of this strategy differ on the criteria for using one or the other.

The value used for ranking a given point x can be summarized as:

Violation | c(x) criterion | Rank using:
v(x) = 0 | ⁠c(x) = *⁠ | f^{agg}(x|w_i)
v(x) > 0 | c(x) == TRUE | f^{agg}(x|w_i)
v(x) > 0 | c(x) == FALSE | v(x)

Points compared according to their f^{agg}(x|w_i) values (i.e., feasible points and those for which c(x) = TRUE) are ranked first (i.e., receive ranks between 1 and ⁠n_{feas}⁠, where ⁠n_{feas}⁠ is the number of feasible points in the i-th neighborhood), with points that are compared according to their v(x) values receiving ranks between ⁠(n_{feas} + 1)⁠ and T + 1 (T being the size of the neighborhood. The +1 comes from including the incumbent solution in the comparison).


⁠[ N x (T+1) ]⁠ matrix of preference indices. Each row i contains a permutation of ⁠{1, 2, ..., (T+1)}⁠, where ⁠1,...,T⁠ correspond to the solutions contained in the neighborhood of the i-th subproblem, B[i, ], and T+1 corresponds to the incumbent solution for that subproblem. The order of the permutation is defined by the specific strategy defined by the input variable type).

c(x) Criteria

Specific variations of the VBR differ on how the criterion c(x) is implemented. Three variants are currently implemented in the MOEADr package:

Method | ID | c(x)
Tournament Selection ⁠[Deb2000]⁠ | ⁠$type = "ts"⁠ | FALSE
Stochastic Ranking ⁠[Runarsson2000]⁠ | ⁠$type = "sr"⁠ | runif() < pf
Violation Threshold ⁠[Asafuddoula2014]⁠ | ⁠$type = "vt"⁠ | v(x) < eps_v^i

where pf[0,1]pf \in [0,1] is a user-defined parameter for the "sr" method, and eps_v^i is subproblem-dependent, adaptive quantity calculated internally in the routine (see ⁠[Asafuddoula2014]⁠ and ⁠[Campelo2017]⁠ for details).

Using an External Archive

For types "sr" and "vt", it is possible for the algorithm to lose feasible solutions during its update step, since there is a non-zero probability of unfeasible solutions replacing feasible ones. In these cases, it is recommended to set the moead() parameter update$UseArchive = TRUE, so that an external archive is built with the best feasible solutions found for each subproblem.


⁠[Deb2000]⁠ K. Deb, "An efficient constraint handling method for genetic algorithm", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 186(2–4):311–338, 2000.

⁠[Runarsson2000]⁠ T. Runarsson, X. Yao, "Stochastic ranking for constrained evolutionary optimization", IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation4(3):284–294, 2000.

⁠[Asafuddoula2014]⁠ M. Asafuddoula, T. Ray, R. Sarker, K. Alam, "An adaptive constraint handling approach embedded MOEA/D,” 2012 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC).

⁠[Campelo2017]⁠ F. Campelo, L.S. Batista, C. Aranha (2020): The MOEADr Package: A Component-Based Framework for Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms Based on Decomposition. Journal of Statistical Software doi:10.18637/jss.v092.i06

[Package MOEADr version 1.1.3 Index]