MB {MM}R Documentation

Multivariate multiplicative binomial distribution


Various utilities to coerce and manipulate MB objects


MB(dep, m, pnames=character(0))
## S3 method for class 'MB'
as.array(x, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'MB'
## S3 method for class 'gunter_MB'
print(x, ...)



Primary argument to MB(). Typically a matrix with each row being an observation (see ‘details’ section below for an example). If an object of class Oarray, function MB() coerces to an MB object


Vector containing the relative sizes of the various marginal binomial distributions


Object of class MB to be converted to an Oarray object


Further arguments to as.array(), currently ignored


In function MB(), a character vector of names for the entries


Function MB() returns an object of class MB. This is essentially a matrix with one row corresponding to a single observation; repeated rows indicate identical observations as shown below. Observational data is typically in this form. The idea is that the user can coerce to a gunter_MB object, which is then analyzable by Lindsey().

The multivariate multiplicative binomial distribution is defined by \[ \prod_{i=1}^t {m_i\choose x_i\, z_i}p_i^{x_i}q_i^{z_i}\theta_i^{x_iz_i} \prod_{i < j}\phi_{ij}^{x_ix_j} \]

Thus if \(\theta=\phi=1\) the system reduces to a product of independent binomial distributions with probability \(p_i\) and size \(m_i\) for \(i=1,\ldots,t\).

There follows a short R transcript showing the MB class in use, with annotation.

The first step is to define an m vector:

R> m <- c(2,3,1)

This means that \(m_1=2,m_2=3,m_3=1\). So \(m_1=2\) means that \(i=1\) corresponds to a binomial distribution with size 2 [that is, the observation is in the set \({0,1,2}\)]; and \(m_2=3\) means that \(i=2\) corresponds to a binomial with size 3 [ie the set \({0,1,2,3}\)].

Now we need some observations:

R> a <- matrix(c(1,0,0, 1,0,0, 1,1,1, 2,3,1, 2,0,1),5,3,byrow=T)
R> a
     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    1    0    0
[2,]    1    0    0
[3,]    1    1    1
[4,]    2    3    1
[5,]    2    0    1 

In matrix a, the first observation, viz c(1,0,0) is interpreted as \(x_1=1,x_2=0,x_3=0\). Thus, because \(x_i+z_i=m_i\), we have \(z_1=1,z_2=3,z_3=1\). Now we can create an object of class MB, using function MB():

R>  mx <- MB(a, m, letters[1:3])   

The third argument gives names to the observations corresponding to the columns of a. The values of \(m_1, m_2, m_3\) may be extracted using getM():

R> getM(mx)
a b c 
2 3 1 

The getM() function returns a named vector, with names given as the third argument to MB().

Now we illustrate the print method:

R> mx
     a na     b nb     c nc    
[1,] 1 1      0 3      0 1     
[2,] 1 1      0 3      0 1     
[3,] 1 1      1 2      1 0     
[4,] 2 0      3 0      1 0     
[5,] 2 0      0 3      1 0     

See how the columns are in pairs: the first pair total 2 (because \(m_1=2\)), the second pair total 3 (because \(m_2=3\)), and the third pair total 1 (because \(m_3=1\)). Each pair of columns has only a single degree of freedom, because \(m_i\) is known.

Also observe how the column names are in pairs. The print method puts these in place. Take the first two columns. These are named ‘a’ and ‘na’: this is intented to mean ‘a’ and ‘not a’.

We can now coerce to a gunter_MB:

R> (gx <- gunter(mx))
   a b c
1  0 0 0
2  1 0 0
3  2 0 0
24 2 3 1

 [1] 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

a b c 
2 3 1 

Take the second line of the element tbl of gx, as an example. This reads c(1,0,0) corresponding to the observations of a,b,c respectively, and the second line of element d [“d” for “data”], viz 2, shows that this observation occurred twice (and in fact these were the first two lines of a).

Now we can coerce object mx to an array:

R> (ax <- as.array(mx))
, , c = 0

a   0 1 2 3
  0 0 0 0 0
  1 0 0 2 0
  2 0 0 0 0

, , c = 1

a   0 1 2 3
  0 0 1 0 0
  1 0 0 0 0
  2 1 1 0 0

(actually, ax is an Oarray object). The location of an element in ax corresponds to an observation of abc, and the entry corresponds to the number of times that observation was made. For example, ax[1,2,0]=2 shows that c(1,2,0) occurred twice (the first two lines of a).

The Lindsey Poisson device is applicable: see help(danaher) for an application to the bivariate case and help(Lindsey) for an example where a table is created from scratch.


Robin K. S. Hankin

See Also

MM, Lindsey, danaher


a <- matrix(c(1,0,0, 1,0,0, 1,1,1, 2,3,1, 2,0,1),5,3,byrow=TRUE)
m <- c(2,3,1)
mx <- MB(a, m, letters[1:3])   # mx is of class 'MB'; column headings
                   #  mean "a" and "not a".
ax <- as.array(mx)
gx <- gunter(ax)
ax2 <- as.array(gx)


[Package MM version 1.6-8 Index]