MLFS {MLFS}R Documentation



Machine Learning Forest Simulator


  data_tariffs = NULL,
  data_climate = NULL,
  df_volumeF_parameters = NULL,
  thinning_weights_species = NULL,
  final_cut_weights_species = NULL,
  thinning_weights_plot = NULL,
  final_cut_weights_plot = NULL,
  form_factors = NULL,
  form_factors_level = "species_plot",
  uniform_form_factor = 0.42,
  volume_calculation = "volume_functions",
  merchantable_whole_tree = "merchantable",
  sim_harvesting = TRUE,
  sim_mortality = TRUE,
  sim_ingrowth = TRUE,
  sim_crownHeight = TRUE,
  harvesting_sum = NULL,
  forest_area_ha = NULL,
  harvest_sum_level = NULL,
  plot_upscale_type = NULL,
  plot_upscale_factor = NULL,
  mortality_share = NA,
  mortality_share_type = "volume",
  mortality_model = "glm",
  ingrowth_model = "ZIF_poiss",
  BAI_rf_mtry = NULL,
  ingrowth_rf_mtry = NULL,
  mortality_rf_mtry = NULL,
  nb_laplace = 0,
  harvesting_type = "final_cut",
  share_thinning = 0.8,
  final_cut_weight = 10,
  thinning_small_weight = 1,
  species_n_threshold = 100,
  height_model = "brnn",
  crownHeight_model = "brnn",
  BRNN_neurons_crownHeight = 1,
  BRNN_neurons_height = 3,
  height_pred_level = 0,
  include_climate = FALSE,
  select_months_climate = c(1, 12),
  set_eval_mortality = TRUE,
  set_eval_crownHeight = TRUE,
  set_eval_height = TRUE,
  set_eval_ingrowth = TRUE,
  set_eval_BAI = TRUE,
  k = 10,
  blocked_cv = TRUE,
  max_size = NULL,
  max_size_increase_factor = 1,
  ingrowth_codes = c(3),
  ingrowth_max_DBH_percentile = 0.9,
  measurement_thresholds = NULL,
  area_correction = NULL,
  export_csv = FALSE,
  sim_export_mode = TRUE,
  include_mortality_BAI = TRUE,
  intermediate_print = FALSE



data frame with individual tree variables


data frame with site descriptors. This data is related to data_NFI based on the 'plotID' column


optional, but mandatory if volume is calculated using the one-parametric tariff functions. Data frame with plotID, species and V45. See details.


data frame with climate data, covering the initial calibration period and all the years which will be included in the simulation


optional, data frame with species-specific volume function parameters


data frame with thinning weights for each species. The first column represents species code, each next column consists of species-specific thinning weights applied in each simulation step


data frame with final cut weights for each species. The first column represents species code, each next column consists of species-specific final cut weights applied in each simulation step


data frame with harvesting weights related to plot IDs, used for thinning


data frame with harvesting weights related to plot IDs, used for final cut


optional, data frame with species-specific form factors


character, the level of specified form factors. It can be 'species', 'plot' or 'species_plot'


numeric, uniform form factor to be used for all species and plots. Only if form_factors are not provided


The number of simulation steps


character string defining the method for volume calculation: 'tariffs', 'volume_functions', 'form_factors' or 'slo_2p_volume_functions'


character, 'merchantable' or 'whole_tree'. It indicates which type of volume functions will be used. This parameter is used only for volume calculation using the 'slo_2p_volume_functions'.


logical, should harvesting be simulated?


logical, should mortality be simulated?


logical, should ingrowth be simulated?


logical, should crown heights be simulated? If TRUE, a crownHeight column is expected in data_NFI


a value, or a vector of values defining the harvesting sums through the simulation stage. If a single value, then it is used in all simulation steps. If a vector of values, the first value is used in the first step, the second in the second step, etc.


the total area of all forest which are subject of the simulation


integer with value 0 or 1 defining the level of specified harvesting sum: 0 for plot level and 1 for regional level


character defining the upscale method of plot level values. It can be 'area' or 'upscale factor'. If 'area', provide the forest area represented by all plots in hectares (forest_area_ha argument). If 'factor', provide the fixed factor to upscale the area of all plots. Please note: forest_area_ha/plot_upscale_factor = number of unique plots. This argument is important when harvesting sum is defined on regional level.


numeric value to be used to upscale area of each plot


a value, or a vector of values defining the proportion of the volume which is to be the subject of mortality. If a single value, then it is used in all simulation steps. If a vector of values, the first value is used in the first step, the second in the second step, and so on.


character, it can be 'volume' or 'n_trees'. If 'volume' then the mortality share relates to total standing volume, if 'n_trees' then mortality share relates to the total number of standing trees


model to be used for mortality prediction: 'glm' for generalized linear models; 'rf' for random forest algorithm; 'naiveBayes' for Naive Bayes algorithm


model to be used for ingrowth predictions. 'glm' for generalized linear models (Poisson regression), 'ZIF_poiss' for zero inflated Poisson regression and 'rf' for random forest


a number of variables randomly sampled as candidates at each split of a random forest model for predicting basal area increments (BAI). If NULL, default settings are applied.


a number of variables randomly sampled as candidates at each split of a random forest model for predicting ingrowth. If NULL, default settings are applied


a number of variables randomly sampled as candidates at each split of a random forest model for predicting mortality. If NULL, default settings are applied


value used for Laplace smoothing (additive smoothing) in naive Bayes algorithm. Defaults to 0 (no Laplace smoothing)


character, it could be 'random', 'final_cut', 'thinning' or 'combined'. The latter combines 'final_cut' and 'thinning' options, where the share of each is specified with the argument 'share_thinning'


numeric, a number or a vector of numbers between 0 and 1 that specifies the share of thinning in comparison to final_cut. Only used if harvesting_type is 'combined'


numeric value affecting the probability distribution of harvested trees. Greater value increases the share of harvested trees having larger DBH. Default is 10.


numeric value affecting the probability distribution of harvested trees. Greater value increases the share of harvested trees having smaller DBH. Default is 1.


a positive integer defining the minimum number of observations required to treat a species as an independent group


character string defining the model to be used for height prediction. If brnn, then ANN method with Bayesian Regularization is applied.


character string defining the model to be used for crown heights. Available are ANN with Bayesian regularization (brnn) or linear regression (lm)


a positive integer defining the number of neurons to be used in the brnn method for predicting crown heights


a positive integer defining the number of neurons to be used in the brnn method for predicting tree heights


integer with value 0 or 1 defining the level of prediction for height-diameter (H-D) models. The value 1 defines a plot-level prediction, while the value 0 defines regional-level predictions. Default is 0. If using 1, make sure to have representative plot-level data for each species.


logical, should climate variables be included as predictors


vector of subset months to be considered. Default is c(1,12), which uses all months.


logical, should the mortality model be evaluated and returned as the output


logical, should the crownHeight model be evaluated and returned as the output


logical, should the height model be evaluated and returned as the output


logical, should the the ingrowth model be evaluated and returned as the output


logical, should the the BAI model be evaluated and returned as the output


the number of folds to be used in the k fold cross-validation


logical, should the blocked cross-validation be used in the evaluation phase?


a data frame with the maximum values of DBH for each species. If a tree exceeds this value, it dies. If not provided, the maximum is estimated from the input data. Two columns must be present, i.e. 'species' and 'DBH_max'


numeric value, which will be used to increase the max DBH for each species, when the maximum is estimated from the input data. If the argument 'max_size' is provided, the 'max_size_increase_factor' is ignored. Default is 1. To increase maximum for 10 percent, use 1.1.


numeric value or a vector of codes which refer to ingrowth trees


which percentile should be used to estimate the maximum simulated value of ingrowth trees?


data frame with two variables: 1) DBH_threshold and 2) weight. This information is used to assign the correct weights in BAI and increment sub-model; and to upscale plot-level data to hectares.


optional data frame with three variables: 1) plotID and 2) DBH_threshold and 3) the correction factor to be multiplied by weight for this particular category.


logical, if TRUE, at each simulation step, the results are saved in the current working directory as csv file


logical, if FALSE, the results of the individual simulation steps are not merged into the final export table. Therefore, output element 1 ($sim_results) will be empty. This was introduced to allow simulations when using larger data sets and long term simulations that might exceed the available RAM. In such cases, we recommend setting the argument export_csv = TRUE, which will export each simulation step to the current working directory.


logical, should basal area increments (BAI) be used as independent variable for predicting individual tree morality?


logical, if TRUE intermediate steps will be printed while MLFS is running


a list of class mlfs with at least 15 elements:

  1. $sim_results - a data frame with the simulation results

  2. $height_eval - a data frame with predicted and observed tree heights, or a character string indicating that tree heights were not evaluated

  3. $crownHeight_eval - a data frame with predicted and observed crown heights, or character string indicating that crown heights were not evaluated

  4. $mortality_eval - a data frame with predicted and observed probabilities of dying for all individual trees, or character string indicating that mortality sub-model was not evaluated

  5. $ingrowth_eval - a data frame with predicted and observed number of new ingrowth trees, separately for each ingrowth level, or character string indicating that ingrowth model was not evaluated

  6. $BAI_eval - a data frame with predicted and observed basal area increments (BAI), or character string indicating that BAI model was not evaluated

  7. $height_model_species - the output model for tree heights (species level)

  8. $height_model_speciesGroups - the output model for tree heights (species group level)

  9. $crownHeight_model_species - the output model for crown heights (species level)

  10. $crownHeight_model_speciesGroups - the output model for crown heights (species group level)

  11. $mortality_model - the output model for mortality

  12. $BAI_model_species - the output model for basal area increments (species level)

  13. $BAI_model_speciesGroups - the output model for basal area increments (species group level)

  14. $max_size - a data frame with maximum allowed diameter at breast height (DBH) for each species

  15. $ingrowth_model_3 - the output model for ingrowth (level 1) – the output name depends on ingrowth codes

  16. $ingrowth_model_15 - the output model for ingrowth (level 2) – optional and the output name depends on ingrowth codes



# open example data

test_simulation <- MLFS(data_NFI = data_NFI,
 data_site = data_site,
 data_climate = data_climate,
 df_volumeF_parameters = df_volume_parameters,
 form_factors = volume_functions,
 sim_steps = 2,
 sim_harvesting = TRUE,
 harvesting_sum = 100000,
 harvest_sum_level = 1,
 plot_upscale_type = "factor",
 plot_upscale_factor = 1600,
 measurement_thresholds = measurement_thresholds,
 ingrowth_codes = c(3,15),
 volume_calculation = "volume_functions",
 select_months_climate = seq(6,8),
 intermediate_print = FALSE

[Package MLFS version 0.4.2 Index]