actg181 |
Data from the Aids Clinical Trials Group protocol ACTG 181 |
actg181Mod |
Modified data from the Aids Clinical Trials Group protocol ACTG 181 |
canon2real |
Transform (intersections of) canonical rectangles back to their original coordinates |
computeMLE |
Compute the MLE for bivariate censored data |
cosmesis |
Breast cosmesis data |
ex |
Example data set (artificial) |
menopause |
Menopause data |
menopauseMod |
Modified menopause data |
plotCDF1 |
Create a marginal CDF (or survival function) plot of the MLE |
plotCDF2 |
Create a bivariate CDF (or survival function) plot of the MLE |
plotCM |
Plot a clique matrix |
plotDens1 |
Create a univariate density plot of the MLE |
plotDens2 |
Create a bivariate density plot of the MLE |
plotHM |
Plot a height map |
plotRects |
Plot a set of rectangles |
real2canon |
Transform a set of rectangles into canonical rectangles |
reduc |
Determine areas of possible mass support of the MLE |