Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Various Univariate and Multivariate Distributions

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Documentation for package ‘MLE’ version 1.0

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MLE-package Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Various Univariate and Multivariate Distributions
bell.mle MLE of Bell type (univariate continuous) distributions
cens.mle MLE of some censored models
circ.mle MLE of some circular distributions
colcens.mle Column-wise MLE of some censored models
colcirc.mle Column-wise MLE of some circular distributions
coldisc.mle Column-wise MLE of some discrete distributions
colordinal.mle Column-wise MLE of the ordinal model without covariates
colpositive.mle Column-wise MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the positive line
colprop.mle Column-wise MLE of distributions defined in the (0, 1) interval
colreal.mle Column-wise MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the real line
comp.mle MLE of distributions for compositional data
disc.mle MLE of count data
hspher.mle MLE of (hyper-)spherical distributions
matrix.mle MLE of some matrix distributions
mv.mle MLE of some continuous multivariate distributions
mvdisc.mle MLE for multivariate discrete data
ordinal.mle MLE of the ordinal model without covariates
positive.mle MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the positive line
prop.mle MLE of distributions defined in the (0, 1) interval
real.mle MLE of continuous univariate distributions defined on the real line
truncmle MLE of some truncated distributions