Data Wrangling for Antimicrobial Resistance Studies

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Documentation for package ‘MIMER’ version 1.0.3

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add_events Add a column and check any previous events identified for a particular antibiotic
check_previous_events Add a column and check any previous events identified for a particular antibiotic
cleanse_urine_organism_names Cleanse organism names in Urine samples
clean_antibiotics Clean Antibiotics using Fuzzy Matching with AMR Packages's Antibiotics Data.
convert_all_directory_files_as_csv Convert All Directory Files to CSV - To be used in the Manual Build Process
download_ndc_files_as_csv Download and Convert NDC Files to CSV - To be used in the Manual Build Process
duplicated_microbioevents_records Transpose microbiology events dataset
is_systemic_route Check 'route' is systemic or not
ndc_is_antimicrobial Check 'ndc' code is belongs to any Antimicrobial.
ndc_to_antimicrobial Convert 'ndc' code to corresponding Antibiotic code.
remove_files Remove Files - To be used in the Manual Build Process
transpose_microbioevents Transpose microbiology events dataset