miivs {MIIVsem}R Documentation

Model-implied instrumental variable (MIIV) search


A key step in the MIIV-2SLS approach is to transform the SEM by replacing the latent variables with their scaling indicators minus their errors. Upon substitution the SEM is transformed from a model with latent variables to one containing observed variables with composite errors. The miivs function automatically makes this transformation. The miivs function will also identify equation-specific model-implied instrumental variables in simultaneous equation models without latent variables.





A model specified using lavaan model syntax. See the model argument within the lavaanify function for more information. See the documentation below for a description of how to specify the scaling indicator in latent variable models and impose equality constraints on the parameter estimates.


The miivs function displays a table containing the following information for each equation in the system:


A list of model equations.


Bollen, K. A. (1996). An Alternative 2SLS Estimator for Latent Variable Models. Psychometrika, 61, 109-121.

Bentler, P. M., and Weeks, D. G. (1980). Linear Structural Equations with Latent Variables. Psychometrika, 45, 289–308.

See Also


[Package MIIVsem version 0.5.8 Index]