summarize_females {MGDrivE2}R Documentation

Summarize Adult Females (One Node or Metapopulation Network, Lifecycle Model)


For MGDrivE2 simulations of mosquito lifecycle dynamics in a single node or metapopulation network, this function sums over the male mate genotype to get population trajectories of adult female mosquitoes by their genotype.


summarize_females(out, spn_P)



the output of sim_trajectory_R


the places of the SPN, see details


The places (spn_P) object is generated from one of the following: spn_P_lifecycle_node or spn_P_lifecycle_network.

The return object depends on the data provided. If the simulation was only 1 node, then no node designation is returned. If only one repetition was performed, no rep designation is returned. Columns always returned include: time, genotype, and value.

For examples of using this function, this or any vignette which visualizes output: vignette("lifecycle-node", package = "MGDrivE2")


a 3 to 5 column dataframe for plotting with ggplot2

[Package MGDrivE2 version 2.1.0 Index]