b |
Service continuous density distribution |
densityOfSojournTimeAtState_i |
The density of the sojourn time in state i with probability that |
EN |
Expectation of number of arriving claims depending on i and j |
Expectation of number of arriving claims |
finalStateProbability |
Probability of the final state |
flowIntensityMean |
The mean intensity of the arrived flow |
h |
Density of empty time for initial state i jointly with probability of final state j |
loadCoefficient |
Load coefficient |
meanSojournTimeWithFSP |
Mean sojourn time in the initial state i jointly with final probability of state j |
meanSoujournTime |
Mean sojourn time in the initial state i (without final probability of state j) |
meanTimeEmptyFixed |
Mean time of empty period in fixed state i |
meanTimeOfBusyPeriodETW |
Mean time of busy period |
meanTimeOfBusyPeriodEW |
Mean time of busy period multiplied by load coefficient |
meanTimeOfEmptyPeriod |
Mean time of empty period given the stationary probability |
Mean idle time if initial state i |
Mean empty time sojourn time in the initial state i during the empty period |
not_i |
Helper "not i" function |
p0 |
The stationary probabilities of the environment state 0 |
p1 |
The stationary probabilities of the environment state 1 |
pi |
Stationary probabilities for continuous time environment's state |
probabilitiesMatrix |
Probability matrix calculation. Rows represent arriving probabilities at state i and columns represent the same for state j |
probabilityOfNArrival |
Probability of n arrival during time t jointly with final state j if initial state is i |
probabilityOfNArrivalW |
Probability of n arrival during time t (without joint probability of j) |
PrTr |
Probability to have state j in the ending of the idle period, if initially we have state i |
resultingMatrix |
Resulting probabilities matrix calculation |
serviceDistribution |
Service distribution function |
stationaryProbabilities |
Stationary probability function |
stationaryProbabilitiesOfEmptyStates |
Stationary probabilities of the empty states in continuous time model |
stationaryProbabilities_cached |
Stationary probability caching function |