MED-package {MED}R Documentation

Nonparametric estimation of natural mediation effects by tilted balancing.


This package provides a user-friendly interface for nonparametric efficient inference of natural mediation effects effects for observational data. The package provides point estimates for average treatment effects, natural direct effects and natural indirect effects. The package also allows inference by consistent variance estimators.


Package: MED
Type: Package
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 2015-02-09
License: GPL (>= 2)

The package includes the following functions:

MED: Estimate the Natural Indirect and Direct Effects
summary.MED: summary method for class "MED"


Gary Chan, based on the ATE package developed together with Asad Haris.

Maintainer: Gary Chan <>


Chan, K. C. G., Imai, K, Yam, S. C. P. and Zhang, Z. (2016). "Efficient Nonpmarametric Estimation of Causal Mediation Effects.", under review.

See Also


[Package MED version 0.1.0 Index]