weibfit {MCPModBC}R Documentation

Computes different estimators for the censored Weibull regression model


Computes the maximum likelihood estimators (MLE) for the censored Weibull regression model. The bias-corrected estimators based on the Cox and Snell's and Firth's methods also are available. In addition, for the covariance matrix the corrected estimators discussed in Magalhaes et al. 2021 also are available.


weibfit(formula, data, L = Inf, estimator = "MLE", 
	corrected.var = FALSE)



A formula that contains on the left hand side an object of the type Surv and on the right hand side the covariates definition


A data.frame in which the formula argument can be evaluated


the prefixed censoring times. L=L=\infty by default.


the class of estimator used: MLE (maximum likelihood estimator, by default), BCE (bias-corrected estimator based on the Cox and Snell's method) and Firth (bias-corrected estimator based on the Firth's method).


should the covariance-corrected estimator be used? (FALSE by default). See details.


The Weibull distribution considered here has probability density function

f(t;λ,σ)=1σλ1/σt1/σ1exp{(tλ)1/σ},t,σ,λ>0. f(t;\lambda, \sigma)=\frac{1}{\sigma \lambda^{1/\sigma}}t^{1/\sigma-1}\exp\left\{-\left(\frac{t}{\lambda}\right)^{1/\sigma}\right\}, \quad t, \sigma, \lambda>0.

The regression structure is incorporated as

log(λi)=xiβ,i=1,,n. \log(\lambda_i)={\bm x}_i^\top {\bm \beta}, \quad i=1,\ldots,n.

For the computation of the bias-corrected estimators, σ\sigma is assumed as fixed in the jackknife estimator based on the traditional MLE.

The Fisher information matrix for β\bm \beta is given by K=σ2XWX{\bm K}=\sigma^{-2} {\bm X}^\top {\bm W} {\bm X}, where X=(x1,,xn){\bm X}=({\bm x}_1,\ldots,{\bm x}_n)^\top, W=\mboxdiag(w1,,wn){\bm W}=\mbox{diag}(w_1,\ldots,w_n), and

wi=E[exp(yilogλiσ)]=q×{1exp[Li1/σexp(μi/σ)]}+(1q)×(r/n), w_i=E\left[\exp\left(\frac{y_i-\log \lambda_i}{\sigma}\right)\right]=q \times \left\{ 1 - \exp\left[ -L_i^{1/\sigma} \exp(-\mu_i/\sigma) \right] \right\} + (1-q)\times \left(r/n\right),

with q=P(W(r)logLi)q = P\left(W_{(r)}\leq \log L_i\right) and W(r)W_{(r)} denoting the rrth order statistic from W1,,WnW_1, \ldots, W_n, with q=1q=1 and q=0q=0 for types I and II censoring, respectively. (See Magalhaes et al. 2019 for details).

The bias-corrected maximum likelihood estimator based on the Cox and Snell's method (say β~\widetilde{\bm \beta}) is based on a corrective approach given by β~=β^B(β^)\widetilde{\beta}=\widehat{\beta}-B(\widehat{\beta}), where

B(β)=12σ3PZd(W+2σW)1, B({\bm \beta})= - \frac{1}{2 \sigma^3} {\bm P} {\bm Z}_d \left({\bm W} + 2 \sigma {\bm W}^{\prime}\right) {\bm 1},

with P=K1X{\bm P} = {\bm K}^{-1} {\bm X}^{\top}, Z=XK1X{\bm Z} = {\bm X} {\bm K}^{-1} {\bm X}^{\top}, Zd{\bm Z}_d is a diagonal matrix with diagonal given by the diagonal of Z{\bm Z}, W={\bm W}^{\prime} = diag(w1,,wn)(w_1^{\prime}, \ldots, w_n^{\prime}), wi=σ1Li1/σexp{Li1/σexp(μi/σ)μi/σ}w_i^{\prime} = - \sigma^{-1} L_i^{1/\sigma} \exp\{ -L_i^{1/\sigma} \exp(-\mu_i/\sigma) - \mu_i/\sigma \} and 1{\bm 1} is a nn-dimensional vector of ones.

The bias-corrected maximum likelihood estimator based on the Firth's method (say βˇ\check{\bm \beta}) is based on a preventive approach, which is the solution for the equation Uβ=0{\bm U}_{{\bm \beta}}^{\star} = {\bm 0}, where

Uβ=UβKββB(β). {\bm U}_{{\bm \beta}}^{\star} = {\bm U}_{{\bm \beta}} - {\bm K}_{{\bm \beta} {\bm \beta}} B({\bm \beta}).

The covariance correction is based on the general result of Magalhaes et al. 2021 given by

\mboxCov2τ(β)=K1+K1{Δ+Δ}K1+O(n3) \mbox{{\bf Cov}}_{\bm 2}^{\bm \tau}({\bm \beta}^{\star}) = {\bm K}^{-1} + {\bm K}^{-1} \left\{ {\bm \Delta} + {\bm \Delta}^{\top} \right\} {\bm K}^{-1} + \mathcal{O}(n^{-3})

where Δ=0.5Δ(1)+0.25Δ(2)+0.5τ2Δ(3){\Delta} = -0.5 {\Delta}^{(1)} + 0.25 {\Delta}^{(2)} + 0.5 \tau_2 {\Delta}^{(3)}, with

Δ(1)=1σ4XWZdX, \Delta^{(1)} = \frac{1}{\sigma^4} {\bm X}^{\top} {\bm W}^{\star} {\bm Z}_{d} {\bm X},

Δ(2)=1σ6X[WZ(2)W2σWZ(2)W6σ2WZ(2)W]X, \Delta^{(2)} = - \frac{1}{\sigma^6} {\bm X}^{\top} \left[ {\bm W} {\bm Z}^{(2)} {\bm W} - 2 \sigma {\bm W} {\bm Z}^{(2)} {\bm W}^{\prime} - 6 \sigma^2 {\bm W}^{\prime} {\bm Z}^{(2)} {\bm W}^{\prime} \right] {\bm X},


Δ(3)=1σ5XWWX, \Delta^{(3)} = \frac{1}{\sigma^5} {\bm X}^{\top} {\bm W}^{\prime} {\bm W}^{\star\star} {\bm X},

where W={\bm W}^{\star} = diag(w1,,wn)(w_1^{\star}, \ldots, w_n^{\star}), wi=wi(wi2)2σwi+στ1(wi+2σwi)w_i^{\star} = w_i (w_i -2) - 2 \sigma w_i^{\prime} + \sigma \tau_1 (w_i^{\prime} + 2 \sigma w_i^{\prime\prime}), Z(2)=ZZ{\bm Z}^{(2)} = {\bm Z} \odot {\bm Z}, with \odot representing a direct product of matrices (Hadamard product), W{\bm W}^{\star\star} is a diagonal matrix, with Z(W+2σW)Zd1{\bm Z} ( {\bm W} + 2 \sigma {\bm W}^{\prime}) {\bm Z}_{d} {\bm 1} as its diagonal, W={\bm W}^{\prime\prime} = diag(w1,,wn)(w_1^{\prime\prime}, \ldots, w_n^{\prime\prime}), wi=σ1wi[Li1/σexp(μi/σ)1]w_i^{\prime\prime} = - \sigma^{-1} w_i^{\prime} \left[ L_i^{1/\sigma} \exp(-\mu_i/\sigma) - 1 \right], τ=(τ1,τ2)=(1,1){\bm \tau} = (\tau_1, \tau_2) = (1, 1) indicating the second-order covariance matrix of the MLE β=β^{\bm \beta}^{\star} = \widehat{{\bm \beta}} denoted by \mboxCov2(β^)\mbox{{\bf Cov}}_{\bm 2}(\widehat{{\bm \beta}}) and τ=(0,1){\bm \tau} = (0, -1) indicating the second-order covariance matrix of the BCE β=β~{\bm \beta}^{\star} = \widetilde{{\bm \beta}} denoted by \mboxCov2(β~)\mbox{{\bf Cov}}_{\bm 2}(\widetilde{{\bm \beta}}).



a vector with the estimated coefficients for β\bm \beta.


a matrix with the estimated covariance matrix for the estimates of the regression coefficients β\bm \beta


the estimated scale parameter σ\sigma


the value for the logarithm of the likelihood function evaluated in the estimates of β\bm \beta and σ\sigma


a vector with the estimated linear predictor xiβ{\bm x}_i^\top {\bm \beta}


a vector with the observed times (possibly censored)


the estimator used for β\bm \beta: MLE, BCE or Firth.


logical. TRUE if a correction for the covariance was used, FALSE otherwise.


Gallardo D.I., Diniz, M.A., Magalhaes, T.M.


Cox, D.R., Snell E.J. A general definition of residuals Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological). 1968;30:248-275.

Diniz, Márcio A. and Gallardo, Diego I. and Magalhães, Tiago M. (2023). Improved inference for MCP-Mod approach for time-to-event endpoints with small sample sizes. arXiv <doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2301.00325>

Firth, D. Bias reduction of maximum likelihood estimates Biometrika. 1993;80:27-38.

Magalhaes Tiago M., Botter Denise A., Sandoval Monica C. A general expression for second- order covariance matrices - an application to dispersion models Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics. 2021;35:37-49.



##Generating covariates
x<-runif(n, max=10)
lambda<-exp(1.2-0.5*x); sigma<-1.5

##Drawing T from Weibull model and fixing censoring at 1.5
T<-rweibull(n, shape=1/sigma, scale=lambda); L<-rep(1.5, n)

##Defining the observed times and indicators of failure
delta<-ifelse(T<=L, 1, 0)
data=data.frame(y=y, delta=delta, x=x)

##Fitting for Weibull regression model

##Traditional MLE with corrected variance
ex1=weibfit(Surv(y,delta)~x, data=data, L=L, estimator="MLE", 

##BCE without corrected variance
ex2=weibfit(Surv(y,delta)~x, data=data, L=L, estimator="BCE", 

##BCE with corrected variance
ex3=weibfit(Surv(y,delta)~x, data=data, L=L, estimator="BCE", 

##Firth's correction without corrected variance
ex4=weibfit(Surv(y,delta)~x, data=data, L=L, estimator="BCE", 

[Package MCPModBC version 1.1 Index]