Rehnquist {MCMCpack}R Documentation

U.S. Supreme Court Vote Matrix, Rehnquist Court (1994-2004)


This dataframe contains a matrix of votes cast by U.S. Supreme Court justices by all cases in the 1994-2004 terms.


The dataframe has contains data for justices Rehnquist, Stevens, O'Connor, Scalia, Kennedy, Souter, Thomas, Ginsburg, and Breyer for the 1994-2004 terms of the U.S. Supreme Court. The dataframe also contains the term of the case, and a time variable that counts from term 1 to 11. The votes are coded liberal (1) and conservative (0) using the protocol of Spaeth (2003). The unit of analysis is the case citation (ANALU=0). We are concerned with formally decided cases issued with written opinions, after full oral argument and cases decided by an equally divided vote (DECTYPE=1,5,6,7).


Harold J. Spaeth. 2005. Original United States Supreme Court Database: 1953-2004 Terms.

[Package MCMCpack version 1.7-0 Index]