MCMChregress {MCMCpack} | R Documentation |
Markov Chain Monte Carlo for the Hierarchical Gaussian Linear Regression Model
MCMChregress generates a sample from the posterior distribution of a Hierarchical Gaussian Linear Regression Model using Algorithm 2 of Chib and Carlin (1999). This model uses a multivariate Normal prior for the fixed effects parameters, an Inverse-Wishart prior on the random effects variance matrix, and an Inverse-Gamma prior on the residual error variance. The user supplies data and priors, and a sample from the posterior distribution is returned as an mcmc object, which can be subsequently analyzed with functions provided in the coda package.
burnin = 1000,
mcmc = 10000,
thin = 10,
verbose = 1,
seed = NA,
beta.start = NA,
sigma2.start = NA,
Vb.start = NA,
mubeta = 0,
Vbeta = 1e+06,
nu = 0.001,
delta = 0.001,
fixed |
A two-sided linear formula of the form 'y~x1+...+xp' describing the fixed-effects part of the model, with the response on the left of a '~' operator and the p fixed terms, separated by '+' operators, on the right. |
random |
A one-sided formula of the form '~x1+...+xq' specifying the model for the random effects part of the model, with the q random terms, separated by '+' operators. |
group |
String indicating the name of the grouping variable in
data |
A data frame containing the variables in the model. |
burnin |
The number of burnin iterations for the sampler. |
mcmc |
The number of Gibbs iterations for the sampler. Total number of
Gibbs iterations is equal to |
thin |
The thinning interval used in the simulation. The number of mcmc iterations must be divisible by this value. |
verbose |
A switch (0,1) which determines whether or not the progress of the sampler is printed to the screen. Default is 1: a progress bar is printed, indicating the step (in %) reached by the Gibbs sampler. |
seed |
The seed for the random number generator. If NA, the Mersenne Twister generator is used with default seed 12345; if an integer is passed it is used to seed the Mersenne twister. |
beta.start |
The starting values for the |
sigma2.start |
Scalar for the starting value of the residual error variance. The default value of NA will use the OLS estimates of the corresponding Gaussian Linear Regression without random effects. |
Vb.start |
The starting value for variance matrix of the random effects. This must be a square q-dimension matrix. Default value of NA uses an identity matrix. |
mubeta |
The prior mean of |
Vbeta |
The prior variance of |
r |
The shape parameter for the Inverse-Wishart prior on variance matrix for the random effects. r must be superior or equal to q. Set r=q for an uninformative prior. See the NOTE for more details |
R |
The scale matrix for the Inverse-Wishart prior on variance matrix for the random effects. This must be a square q-dimension matrix. Use plausible variance regarding random effects for the diagonal of R. See the NOTE for more details |
nu |
The shape parameter for the Inverse-Gamma prior on the residual
error variance. Default value is |
delta |
The rate (1/scale) parameter for the Inverse-Gamma prior on the
residual error variance. Default value is |
... |
further arguments to be passed |
simulates from the posterior distribution sample using
the blocked Gibbs sampler of Chib and Carlin (1999), Algorithm 2. The
simulation is done in compiled C++ code to maximize efficiency. Please
consult the coda documentation for a comprehensive list of functions that
can be used to analyze the posterior sample.
The model takes the following form:
Where each group have
Where the random effects:
And the errors:
We assume standard, conjugate priors:
See Chib and Carlin (1999) for more details.
NOTE: We do not provide default parameters for the priors on the
precision matrix for the random effects. When fitting one of these models,
it is of utmost importance to choose a prior that reflects your prior
beliefs about the random effects. Using the dwish
and rwish
functions might be useful in choosing these values.
mcmc |
An mcmc object that contains the posterior sample. This
object can be summarized by functions provided by the coda
package. The posterior sample of the deviance |
Y.pred |
Predictive posterior mean for each observation. |
Ghislain Vieilledent <>
Siddhartha Chib and Bradley P. Carlin. 1999. “On MCMC Sampling in Hierarchical Longitudinal Models.” Statistics and Computing. 9: 17-26.
Daniel Pemstein, Kevin M. Quinn, and Andrew D. Martin. 2007. Scythe Statistical Library 1.0.
Andrew D. Martin and Kyle L. Saunders. 2002. “Bayesian Inference for Political Science Panel Data.” Paper presented at the 2002 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association.
Martyn Plummer, Nicky Best, Kate Cowles, and Karen Vines. 2006. “Output Analysis and Diagnostics for MCMC (CODA)”, R News. 6(1): 7-11.
See Also
## Not run:
# Hierarchical Gaussian Linear Regression
#== Generating data
# Constants
nobs <- 1000
nspecies <- 20
species <- c(1:nspecies,sample(c(1:nspecies),(nobs-nspecies),replace=TRUE))
# Covariates
X1 <- runif(n=nobs,min=0,max=10)
X2 <- runif(n=nobs,min=0,max=10)
X <- cbind(rep(1,nobs),X1,X2)
W <- X
# Target parameters
# beta <- matrix(c(0.1,0.3,0.2),ncol=1)
# Vb <- c(0.5,0.2,0.1)
# b <- cbind(rnorm(nspecies,mean=0,sd=sqrt([1])),
# sigma2 <- 0.02
# Response
Y <- vector()
for (n in 1:nobs) {
Y[n] <- rnorm(n=1,
# Data-set
Data <-,X1,X2,species))
#== Call to MCMChregress
model <- MCMChregress(fixed=Y~X1+X2, random=~X1+X2, group="species",
data=Data, burnin=1000, mcmc=1000, thin=1,verbose=1,
seed=NA, beta.start=0, sigma2.start=1,
Vb.start=1, mubeta=0, Vbeta=1.0E6,
r=3, R=diag(c(1,0.1,0.1)), nu=0.001, delta=0.001)
#== MCMC analysis
# Graphics
# Summary
# Predictive posterior mean for each observation
# Predicted-Observed
## End(Not run)