HPDplotBygeneBygroup {MCMC.qpcr} | R Documentation |
Plots qPCR analysis results for individual genes
For a specified gene, makes overlayed plots such as produced by HPDplotBygene()
HPDplotBygeneBygroup(model, gene, group1, group2, group3 = NULL,
interval = "ci", colors = c("coral", "cyan3", "grey50"),
symbols = c(19, 17, 15), jitter = 0.16, yscale = "log2", ...)
model |
model object produced by mcmc.qpcr() |
gene |
name of the gene to plot |
group1 |
Combination of factors defining the first group (see HPDplotBygene() for details). |
group2 |
Combination of factors defining the second group. |
group3 |
(optional) Combination of factors defining the third group. |
interval |
'ci' (default) will plot 95% credible limits of the posterior distribution, 'sd' will plot the mean plus/minus one standard deviation of the posterior. |
colors |
Colors to use for different groups (see ?par -> col). |
symbols |
Symbols to use for different groups (see ?par -> pch). |
jitter |
Jitter distance between groups. |
yscale |
Scale on which to represent the data. In all mcmc.qpcr models the model scale is natural logarithm, which I prefer to translate into log2 or log10 (if the differences are orders of magnitude) for better human readability. The default is 'log2'; other options are 'log10' and 'native' (no rescaling of the model data). There is also a beta-option 'proportion', which is not useful for qPCR. It was added to cannibalize HPDplotBygene function for plotting results of the model operating with arcsin-square root transfromed proportions. With yscale="proportions", the plot will be on the original proportion scale but the tukey-like differences will still be reported on the asin(sqrt()) transformed scale. |
... |
additional parameters for HPDplotBygene() function, such as pval (see HPDplotBygene() help) |
Generates a point-whiskers plot, lists pairwise mean differenes between all conditions, calculates and lists pairwise p-values (not corrected for multiple testing).
Mikhal V. Matz, UT Austin <matz@utexas.edu>
Matz MV, Wright RM, Scott JG (2013) No Control Genes Required: Bayesian Analysis of qRT-PCR Data. PLoS ONE 8(8): e71448. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0071448