ditp {MBNMAdose}R Documentation

Integrated Two-Component Prediction (ITP) function


Similar parameterisation to the Emax model but with non-asymptotic maximal effect (Emax). Proposed by proposed by Fu and Manner (2010)


ditp(emax = "rel", rate = "rel", p.expon = FALSE)



Pooling for Emax parameter. Can take "rel", "common", "random" or be assigned a numeric value (see details).


Pooling for Rate parameter. Can take "rel", "common", "random" or be assigned a numeric value (see details).


A logical object to indicate whether ed50 and hill parameters should be expressed within the dose-response function on an exponential scale


Emax represents the maximum response. Rate represents the rate at which a change in the dose of the drug leads to a change in the effect



An object of class("dosefun")

Dose-response parameters

Argument Model specification
"rel" Implies that relative effects should be pooled for this dose-response parameter separately for each agent in the network.
"common" Implies that all agents share the same common effect for this dose-response parameter.
"random" Implies that all agents share a similar (exchangeable) effect for this dose-response parameter. This approach allows for modelling of variability between agents.
numeric() Assigned a numeric value, indicating that this dose-response parameter should not be estimated from the data but should be assigned the numeric value determined by the user. This can be useful for fixing specific dose-response parameters (e.g. Hill parameters in Emax functions) to a single value.

When relative effects are modelled on more than one dose-response parameter, correlation between them is automatically estimated using a vague inverse-Wishart prior. This prior can be made slightly more informative by specifying the scale matrix omega and by changing the degrees of freedom of the inverse-Wishart prior using the priors argument in mbnma.run().


Fu H, Manner D (2010). “Bayesian adaptive dose-finding studies with delayed responses.” J Biopharm Stat, 20(5), 1055-1070. doi:10.1080/10543400903315740.


# Model a common effect on rate
ditp(emax="rel", rate="common")

[Package MBNMAdose version 0.4.3 Index]